
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » introductions forum

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I dont think it has...

Is there going to be an introductions forum for new members. I think that should new members have the oppurtunity to introduce themselves, and existing members have the opportunity to greet them, the overall "feeling" of the forum may be slightly better. As the newbies perhaps wont feel the need to post lots and lots, and make many threads to be noticed. A warm welcome is often a good start. :)

If possible, a simple forum entitled Quesion and Answer. Could be useful.

Many members at one point ask about features. Usually in a random thread.
25.10.04 10:37
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though, having a welcome forum isn't nessesary, i think it would be something worthwhile having.

25.10.04 10:58
Post #2
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I think its a good idea. I have two better ones though:

1) Get my 30+ posts per page option done please you lazy bastards

25.10.04 17:31
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yes, get his suggestion done ;) (not #3 :P)

25.10.04 19:14
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Who would want lobby music =\ That just slows the page..
25.10.04 19:54
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If music would be a selectable option in the profile, and would be disabled for unregistered, maybe.
25.10.04 19:57
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

Is there going to be an introductions forum for new members. I think that should new members have the oppurtunity to introduce themselves, and existing members have the opportunity to greet them, the overall "feeling" of the forum may be slightly better.

As long as post and thread counts are disabled in those forums (so as to prevent post whoring), then by all means go for it.
26.10.04 02:10
Post #7
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