
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Other Wormy Games » Worms Blast

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I played the demo of Worms Blast when I bought the 3-pack of WA,WWP and W2. In my opinion, worms blast sucks. Its not even like the other worms games at all. Its sorta like Bust-A-Move, actually. Although I like bust-a-move, worms blast just isnt a game for me

07.12.04 02:43
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I have got the orginal Worms 3D.
I must say: ITS GOOOOOOOD!

You must shoot some color stones there.

And funniest thing is when you shot you enemy snd his boad sunk.
02.01.05 12:53
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I have Worms Blast but isn't so good at the previous parts :|

25.03.09 16:01
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