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[G]the candy man
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i just though you might want to no that there is an email virus going round called "LIFE IS BEUTIFUL" so if you get it dont open it or itl wipe your hard drive...suposedly.

Also my mum just told me
there is phone scam going round.
If someone rings you and tells you there are an engineer cheking the line. Either press #09 or just hang the fuck up becuse they are gonna hack the phone line and use up all your credit or whatnot
05.10.04 17:59
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Thanks for the heads up TCM

05.10.04 18:00
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What does 09 do?
05.10.04 20:01
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Quoted :: The candy Man
they are gonna hack the phone line

wait, how the hell can they do that?
06.10.04 04:29
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[G]the candy man
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its not 09 its #09
and i dont no how they do it or id probably do it myself.
somehow they manage to take controll of your phone line and use it
06.10.04 07:13
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is that like phone "phr33king" it sounds like my very loose knowledge of what that is.
06.10.04 14:17
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er.. I think they just call you and when you press the button it autcomatically connects you to a line that costs a few £ a minute... That's how some of these work anyway.. heh

You know I'm a dancing machine
06.10.04 16:09
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what are the chances of a btp user being phoned by this guy...?
06.10.04 16:36
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It could happen to anyone.

And I think what Zog said is kind of the same thing, and is quite common.

Thanx for the advice candy man.


An image!

06.10.04 17:50
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Well, since this scam is in the UK, people in the US are probably pretty safe from it (it's not worth the long distance you'd have to pay for to get money from US lines). But, there are others in the US that are probably doing this. The solution to your problems? Get Caller ID :D!
07.10.04 00:37
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[G]the candy man
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everyone has caller ID. But if you dont no who is calling you it just shows a number....well it does on my mobile
07.10.04 20:34
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landlines have to pay for caller ID

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
07.10.04 21:24
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I dont have caller ID. I don't even know how the hell you use it.. + my phone doesnt have a little screen on it.
07.10.04 21:57
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My caller ID is an external one connected up to my phone (a regular one), and it shows both name and number. If either one is unavailable, it shows unavailable (which is a good tip off for telemarketers/scamers). If it's a private listing, it's shown as private listing.
07.10.04 22:26
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Our phone rings diffrent if it's one of those telemarketers.

07.10.04 22:43
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