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That hacking thing was long enuf...It was over 2 weeks b4 btp was back up and this site is practically my life man. I was wondering if this site has a block or somthing because i dont think we...I...cant afford to lose it again.(i was forced to join a halo clan forums) Blah!:o

[edit]Khuzad...i think you get what i was trying to say here.
05.10.04 00:09
Post #1
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As safe as anything can be in the sea of internet troubles...
05.10.04 00:13
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ok...i just wanted to make sure. But i thought there was some kinda block b4 too...
05.10.04 00:18
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this site is practically my life man.

Oh dear.


An image!

05.10.04 14:33
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[this site is practically my life man.[/quote]

I think this is an example of a new syndrome: BTPAS. Blame The Pixel Addiction Syndrome


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

05.10.04 15:05
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so, what exactly did you do when btp was down?

05.10.04 15:29
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I have 6000 posts, and btp isn't my life. It's a part of my life and 60% of time spent on the computer, is probably towards btp.
05.10.04 19:58
Post #7
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[G]the candy man
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no offence guys but if you spend that much time on a wensite then you musnt have much of a social life.

C1 how can you spend 60% of your computing life on BTP, do you not have better things to do.

I mean yeah i love btp and all and i love to use it. but i wouldnt cry over it if it closed down. I do have a social life aswell
05.10.04 20:04
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Well what do you do on the computer then candy man?
The other time spent on the computer is:
-downloading music, etc
-and browsing other sites
Msn doesn't count, since i have it on all the time, even if i'm not on the computer.
05.10.04 20:08
Post #9
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[G]the candy man
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ok if MSN isnt on all the time..
AT the moment im doing my GCSE's so im drowning in coursework.
I am never on my computer without listning to music.
If im board i play games
I browse ebay
Watch movies (with my masive DVD libary 8))
If im really board ill make something...i dunno a sig image or attempt some sort of website
Ill download stuff

ok so i do spend time on BTP but not 60% of the time.
I do have other websites to go to

and if i have nothing to do i will do something else that doesnt involve th PC
05.10.04 20:18
Post #10
Last edited: 05.10.04 20:20 (The candy Man - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I live at my comp...except for school and weekends...everynite im on this thing for atleast 6 hours or more. It just so happens that btp is a nice site that i like to go to. ive made many friends here...I think.

[edit]HarrY you asked what i did while it was down...look at the first post...
05.10.04 20:24
Post #11
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[G]the candy man
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yeah but again may i point out you said

"this site is practicaly my life man"

well if thats true....i dont wanna offend you
05.10.04 20:27
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offense non taken...I classify myself as a nerd and i stand by it and my friends dont care so its all good...:mrgreen:
05.10.04 20:33
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Quoted :: split

I...can afford to lose it again.

you can?

06.10.04 05:56
Post #14
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[G]the candy man
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he said i dont think we....i...can afford to loose it.

It only makes sence if you read the whole sentence
06.10.04 07:10
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