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[G]the candy man
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becuse i am the sechs....
24.11.04 20:46
Post #151
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Orangie Orgy
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Because its fadalicious
24.11.04 20:56
Post #152
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heey you stole that from me! CHEATER XD, but I just use the strikeout code on my money.


The bunny owns you :>)
24.11.04 22:46
Post #153
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No Sunday Blamer for a month! What's wrong with it? We need more issues of it!
27.12.04 15:37
Post #154
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Its not really THAT painful to hear that. But its not nice either, so all we can do right now is either wait....or....die.
27.12.04 18:48
Post #155
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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

No Sunday Blamer for a month! What's wrong with it? We need more issues of it!

I think you're not the only one asking that kind of question, I was beginning to wonder whats happened with my fave sunday paper-type thing


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

27.12.04 19:35
Post #156
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Its not such a big deal everyone! I mean come on!
27.12.04 20:28
Post #157
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Quoted :: Pilki-AKA-Gollum

Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

No Sunday Blamer for a month! What's wrong with it? We need more issues of it!

I think you're not the only one asking that kind of question, I was beginning to wonder whats happened with my fave sunday paper-type thing

Pope died. The end. Not really. He's just busy probably...looking for his AOL Cd.
28.12.04 06:56
Post #158
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Quoted :: SegaSonic

Its not such a big deal everyone! I mean come on!

Sunday Blamer is BTP's ONLY NEWSPAPER. Think about it. WE have our own newspaper. Now it's gone somewhere. So it really IS a big deal.
15.01.05 15:28
Post #159
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om nom nom nom nom
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wheres madknifa's screwed version when you need it?
16.01.05 22:35
Post #160
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I can't be arsed.
16.01.05 23:36
Post #161
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: kikumbob

wheres madknifa's screwed version when you need it?

Need it? When, would you please tell me, would you need something like that? That issue was... disturbing o_O


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
18.01.05 22:34
Post #162
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[G]the candy man
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didnt he make 2?

18.01.05 22:41
Post #163
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I liked Knifa's issues.
19.01.05 21:15
Post #164
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I never saw any of Knifa's issues


19.01.05 21:23
Post #165
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