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just finished the team editor you may or may not have been waiting for. it basically does everything you could ever want to do with a team so i wont bother enumerating features. among other things, the animated graves work now, and dont forget to doubleclick for the special character menu. instaleet is also an interesting gadget to play with. 218KB, ZIP file

or you can go to the programs section here on BTP...

tell me if you find anything wrong or if you have anything to say. cheers.

this post has been shamelessly duplicated in 3 different forums.
11.06.03 18:09
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looks good, but as with all of your other proggies, it doesn't work for me. Used to work with the old computer, but now I get runtime error 76 on most of em.

You know I'm a dancing machine
11.06.03 19:09
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ya shoulda told me lol...

be more specific, the error number doesnt help me but the text after it does
12.06.03 01:50
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whoops, thought I told you the whole error - and I have mentioned it before on a previous post ;)

it also turns out the error is usually Component 'mswinsck.ocx or one of it's dependencies not correctly measured. a file is missing or invalid.

That's probly something wrongwith my comp.

the runtime error was runtime error 76: path not found. It only actually happened when I try to open the WWP team file. It works fine with the W:A one.

You know I'm a dancing machine
12.06.03 02:00
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thats one of ur better progs, vn
12.06.03 02:22
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*likes the program alot*

12.06.03 04:30
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extract to C:/windows/system/ or C:/windows/system32/ if you have 2000 or XP, and all my stuff works magically!

as far as the wwp path error, not sure about that. it reads your registry for the location of the WWP folder, and attempts to open whatever that path is + /User/Teams/WG.WWP. if you cant make it work you can go to File --> Open WWP Team File... and select it from the list you know.
12.06.03 05:21
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I still don't know how to make your own animated graves dammit!

12.06.03 06:00
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you can't make your own. you have to choose one of the things thats in the list. which is just an animation from the game.
12.06.03 13:09
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extract to C:/windows/system/ or C:/windows/system32/ if you have 2000 or XP, and all my stuff works magically!

yes, I know that annelid :P
I've obviously tried that and it didn't make the damndest (love that word) but of difference.

edit: yep, tried again just to make sure, but still the same error

another edit: Yeh, the thing with the wwp team file, I was already opening it with the alternative option you mentioned there when the error occured.

You know I'm a dancing machine
12.06.03 15:30
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weird as folk...

try installing the vbruntimes again i guess
13.06.03 10:42
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