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How do I get Show Desktop as a Quick Launch on XP?

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06.03.04 13:25
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It should be there by default, I think.
06.03.04 14:18
Post #62
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I deleted IIRC.

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06.03.04 14:29
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You can always right-click on the start-bar and select "show desktop". That will not put a quick launch icon there, though.
06.03.04 14:44
Post #64
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06.03.04 17:31
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whoa! how did u get that?
06.03.04 17:46
Post #66
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heh. Tis nice eh?
06.03.04 17:55
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StyleXP? And if so, which design?

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06.03.04 18:18
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heh, here's my current one:
Zog's Bar

Note the BTP bar, which I'm kind of working on, at least for myself in plain ol WinME...
currenly it reloads the left side every 4 minutes, to check for new forum updates or pms, and the right side every ten minutes, to check for new news (which is scrolling in a marquee).

If you're interested in testing it, right click on yer bar, go to toolbars->New Toolbar... and type

Which works in WinMe, at least.

I'm not sure whether it'sa good idea making this into a feature, but then I can't imagine it would use too much bandwidth.

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07.03.04 15:06
Post #69
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Heh, I have Win Me, BTW what's the 'F' next to my name for?

07.03.04 18:32
Post #70
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The BTP bar turned out in many errors about scripts. I'm on WinXP.
07.03.04 18:32
Post #71
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A green Windows XP start button with the caption 'rdm' and the RDM logo.

Boredom + Resource Editor = Hours of fun.

Star Worms: it means there are unread posts at the forums.
07.03.04 18:33
Post #72
Last edited: 07.03.04 18:34 (tundraH - 1 times) [] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Nice one, tundraH! You must be really nerdy.:P
07.03.04 18:34
Post #73
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I don't see how it can give you script errors dingbats, unless you mean php errors?

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07.03.04 18:55
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It gave me script errors like the ones that pop up when there is something wrong with th Javascript on a page. Didn't read them though, they might be PHP errors.
07.03.04 19:05
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