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well... i altered the source code on pixelflyer... but then it doesn't work when it gets sent to the server. it just takes it as an anonomous person played pixelflyer and got one hell of a large score... hmm...
22.05.03 20:52
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nah you can't do it by modifying the page somewhere else - it checks the referer, so if you're anywhere other than BTP it won't work...

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.05.03 21:40
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damn. oh well, i tried :P
22.05.03 21:43
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me tryed to hack it too..with a spade...

22.05.03 21:55
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[S]ReadMe$1hacked pixel flyer once :p

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
23.05.03 00:47
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wow. i even exactly duplicated the packet and everything. it even returned a blank page to me, complete with all the comments from people. wow you're good ;)
24.05.03 11:05
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You can falsify anything >=D
24.05.03 13:14
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muahahah, mauahahahahah. yes. *ahem* :twisted:

You know I'm a dancing machine
24.05.03 16:00
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all you need to do is figure out a way to fake the refferer and you're in, you used to be able to do it with an iframe from in the forum but it breaks out of frames now.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
24.05.03 19:59
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i DID fake the referrer. dont you understand that i sent the exact packet that the page does, word for word, as a request for the action page as POST? it does not make any sense why the same exact request (except with the time changed) doesnt work.
25.05.03 02:05
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hmm, interesting.

May i ask how you managed that?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.05.03 03:44
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packet sniffer + vb
25.05.03 11:17
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beats me as to how it didnt work. lol. Perhaps PHP has built in protection against this?

You know I'm a dancing machine
25.05.03 14:28
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