
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheHelp » Im new at map making and i could use some help!

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I need to know what is a good program to use and any tips you have on making maps. Thanx.

21.05.03 18:14
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hmm personally I use photoshop, but many people also use Paint shop pro...There isn't really one that's best for making maps, just depends what you prefer...

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21.05.03 20:09
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I use MSPaint
24.05.03 04:46
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test of sig
25.05.03 05:51
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hey zogger.....I need help with map making in Photoshop 7.0
or 6.0 whatever i need a little help for map making with that program i LEGALLY bought it so it has EVeRYHTING
so can u help me with Photoshop?
18.06.03 12:51
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well what do you need? pretty much all of the illegal versions have everything in them too I hear, it's not like it's possible to remove stuff from just because they're illegal :P

Check the help section, see if it has an answer, then ask me :)

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18.06.03 21:44
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who's the dumbass here? you payed $650 for a program i have on disk in full for free :D

my version of aps7 works nicely
20.06.03 13:19
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some help?!?
well for start read the tutorial of evil bunny just to know where to start...i used only to know the dimensions and mode:P
i use photoshop v.6 neway it aint got many differences....the basic tools that i use is the select powerfull....u can drw rectangles and circles...u can add selections or extract selections so u can make different shapes....just do some practise on adding and extracting.....when ur selection is finished i usually stroke it with white colour(edit>stroke) then u can fill it too with the fill command:P(edit>fill) order to fill it u must have some textures in B&w of course..i make my textures cuase ps has a few...u can make textures(patterns) by opening a new image with black backgroung and size v small like 5x5 pixels...then draw a random or symmetrical patern with white pixels.....then go to edit>define pattern and u r done....u can use it now with the fill command...
other usefull tips with selection tool is the contact the expand and border commands...practise on that and u ll get a map v easy i suppose....just make cool textures only in B&W....when u r finished with it save it for web as gif B&W and then the gif as bmp or tga format....import and hf on ur map....
download clipart to use or fonts from and .... or
well cyas

23.06.03 19:47
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hoo har map making is nothing without a decent selection tool!


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
24.06.03 06:02
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ya really. I have Flash MX full version ($500), Psp8 full (dunno but lots), and many other things too. Not to mention ive burned about 20 copies of this worms game.
30.06.03 07:06
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w0w and u payed 500$ for that shit....?!? excuse but i dont think its worty to pay for something i could get free...even if its not really full least u could buy 3D max studio if had that will worth better

01.07.03 19:43
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noo im not stupid like some people and pay for programs. Im saying that those were all ripped
02.07.03 00:49
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Use Paint.
04.08.03 19:15
Post #13
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lol found psp 5 on a disk 2day

dragoon 7 or summat

tried ( and failed ) to make nice map

i need help to use it. Clicking stuff doesnt help lol
04.08.03 20:36
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just play around with it or find tutorials
08.08.03 04:58
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