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17.09.04 01:35
Post #1
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Acrap spelr
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STOP SAPMMING! *wonders why this guys rating is higher then mine then gets rated down*

warning the actions of this person if negative are not representitive of btp
17.09.04 02:29
Post #2
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[G]dj canada
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Immature freak...
17.09.04 03:04
Post #3
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: minigunweilder

STOP SAPMMING! *wonders why this guys rating is higher then mine then gets rated down*

let it go, its all gonna be deleted once a mod notices this.
edit: Notice Teh's profile shows he was last at the Donation center, and Tehs money is missing from all the spam threads,
Before admin deletes the threads, look through who Teh donated it all too...
17.09.04 03:16
Post #4
Last edited: 17.09.04 03:16 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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The user (Teh) you have selected for an IP check has been posted by a user with an IP of:

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17.09.04 11:28
Post #5
Last edited: 17.09.04 11:29 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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They might be just posting from the same school/network, y'know. Also, Ripper's cash didn't increase even a bit, so the money was donated to someone else....
17.09.04 11:47
Post #6
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