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Hello. Im new in the forum.
I use thw WWP Schemes Editor, and the downloadable editor as well.
My problem is that I put on "3" the ammunition for Worm Select, but the the round starts and I dont have that utility. What can I do? Thanks a lot!
09.09.04 18:07
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I can't remove worm selection from my schemes, even if the program says "0", it still appears, there could be some program bug around the worm selection.


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09.09.04 18:08
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As far as I know, you can't actually set Worm Select for WWP using an external scheme editor. At least, I can't get it to work for some reason...
09.09.04 20:08
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There is an option in schemeworks for this, but as you say, it's impossible to get it working. And i blame the buggy reason. :)


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09.09.04 20:09
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So what do you guys enjoy the most? Playing with worm selection or without it??
10.09.04 01:26
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I would enjoy to play without it, but now i'm used to it, and it can result useful in some specific situations, so i don't complain much about it. :D
Anyway, it's quite annoying getting it as first crate, when you start the match, hehe.


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10.09.04 07:55
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it really depends on the gametype... In terms of worm select at the start of a turn, in a team17 it actually makes the decisions alot harder as to which worm to use, some will be able to get crates and attack less worms while others will be able to attack more worms without getting any crates, whereas in a shopper if you could use worm select you can get any crate with any worm, so you would always pick the worm that was in a pile or something, much easier choice that would make it a much easier game.
In terms of during the turn, it's handy, do't mind getting them in crates in shoppas if I already have other weapons. heh. Starting with 1 worms select wouldn't be bad imo, kinda like having 1 Joker to play.
[also like having one rope in team17, heh]

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10.09.04 08:36
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in team 17s, i like to save my aquired wqorm selects untill sd, why? because you can't use worm select at the begging of the turn so it's hand to use it then:/
but more often than not i have one worm when sd arrives, so i lose the wormselect(s):P

worm selects in a shoppa can be usefullaswell
removeing your worms from a pile, or you might be trapped by a petrol bomb
but if you are trapped by a petrol bomb, you can get a super sheep out and fly it to the creat and strike your enemy:)

10.09.04 16:58
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Quoted :: HarrY

in team 17s, i like to save my aquired wqorm selects untill sd, why? because you can't use worm select at the begging of the turn so it's hand to use it then:/
but more often than not i have one worm when sd arrives, so i lose the wormselect(s):P

worm selects in a shoppa can be usefullaswell
removeing your worms from a pile, or you might be trapped by a petrol bomb
but if you are trapped by a petrol bomb, you can get a super sheep out and fly it to the creat and strike your enemy:)

I use a few of them at the beginning, to reposition my worms, if they're all piled at the beginning.
10.09.04 19:58
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The only time I hate getting worm selects in crates is when I already only have one worm left, and guess what? That's the only time I get any. Damn, I must have really bad luck...
10.09.04 20:34
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you didn't kill any spiders in the bath or break a mirror did you???


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11.09.04 14:46
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Worm-select sucks!
I get it all the time, I want useful weapon, no crapy thing that makes you change yor worm.
That I do in the begining of the game.:evil:

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19.04.05 17:37
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Fall to the cyborg Worms

Worm select doesnt suck!:x:x

Fall to the cyborg Worms
:D :D
23.04.05 04:21
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Quoted :: punkkguy

Hello. Im new in the forum.
I use thw WWP Schemes Editor, and the downloadable editor as well.
My problem is that I put on "3" the ammunition for Worm Select, but the the round starts and I dont have that utility. What can I do? Thanks a lot!

You quit the round and change the time!
03.05.05 22:34
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You dumbass. Changing time won't help jack shit. He's talking about setting Worm Selects as a WEAPON, not as the auto-utility you enable through the options. And, as of right now, it is impossible to manually set Worm Select ammo.
03.05.05 23:12
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