
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » I am looking for soundbanks from WWP, like Scotish and all that

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does anyone know any sites
06.09.04 14:59
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Here we go:

You'll have to wait in line to download them, tho. Also, take a look here:
$goologo $m[1]

Edit-age!: Errr, nm, didn't read that you want the default soundbanks. Wormhut has only custom ones
06.09.04 15:03
Post #2
Last edited: 06.09.04 15:08 (XxSpIDerxX - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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Place your WWP CD into your computer.

Then go to the DATA folder.

Then click the User folder.

Finally click the Speech folder.

These are all the default speeches installed with wwp.

Bah, nevermind, you said sites...

Learn to look, look to learn.
06.09.04 15:05
Post #3
Last edited: 06.09.04 15:05 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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go to DeathBringers WX site. u'll find a matrix soundbank there.


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06.09.04 15:25
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wwp has a default matrix soundbank?!

06.09.04 15:28
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[]The Pope
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No, he suggested going to WX's site to check out a custom soundbank...

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06.09.04 15:29
Post #6
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its kind of hard to get content from a game of which your supposed to pay for...
06.09.04 17:40
Post #7
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no, i don't mean getting matrix type soundbanks, i don't want the original soundbank, i want the other type of soundbanks from WWP like Scots, Greek, Irish
06.09.04 18:59
Post #8
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IIRC, there aren't any soundbanks in WWP that aren't in W:A, if that's what you're getting at...
06.09.04 21:22
Post #9
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[]The Pope
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<.> Either stop trying to get it over the net, because you won't or buy WWP/WA and do what I said in my 1st post in this thread.

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07.09.04 06:52
Post #10
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I think he meens he cant acces the WWP team maker, he wants the wwp scottish, irish etc....but cant get into the team editer to edit a soundbank.

also he need to register O_o
07.09.04 07:05
Post #11
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so your saying that i need to get a soundbank editor then download the voices from there:|
07.09.04 14:41
Post #12
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get the game. They dont give out the voice packs because its against the law. If you have the game, then do what Pope said, if not, your wasting your time. The ONLY way to get the voices is with the game.
07.09.04 15:24
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I have the game
07.09.04 17:11
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[]The Pope
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Place your WWP CD into your computer.

Then go to the DATA folder.

Then click the User folder.

Finally click the Speech folder.

These are all the default speeches installed with wwp.

Learn to look, look to learn.
07.09.04 17:12
Post #15
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