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BlameThePixel - Forum :: We love it so much we quit worms just to visit!

You see I don't play worms anymore (I'll play once I get my new PC though :D)

30.08.04 14:28
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Now I spend more time here than on WN.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

30.08.04 15:00
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hnm, 'spose i spend more time htier than over yonder, but i still play wormies:)

30.08.04 15:05
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Yeah, same here with me


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30.08.04 15:08
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Addendum : I still play worms too ! :D


Artwork by the wishmaster.

30.08.04 15:09
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I play worms, but sometimes i host a pornshopper and not play it myself, but instead minimize and come to BTP.
30.08.04 16:31
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This place is an alternative to W:A/WWP
30.08.04 16:32
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ah crap, it changed. Now it's about the lenght of the word UNCOPYRIGHTABLE.
30.08.04 18:26
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om nom nom nom nom
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what the hells a pornshopper???
30.08.04 21:46
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Orangie Orgy
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A shopper full of porn. yay
30.08.04 21:50
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I used to make a bunch of them. Not very popular :/
31.08.04 04:38
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too many roping mistakes - hard to rope with one hand ;)
31.08.04 16:13
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I think you spelt that last bit wrong CB. I'm sure you meant :wank: instead of :wink: ...

Learn to look, look to learn.
31.08.04 17:30
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Quoted :: The Pope

I think you spelt that last bit wrong CB. I'm sure you meant :wank: instead of :wink: ...

lol @ pr0nshoppers

whenever they host one i tend to put a rope up their hole and make it look like my worm is makin' love
06.09.04 12:07
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Redbull gives you wings!

I play worms all the time, I don't really like shoppers though. I'm proper and rr all the way...


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06.09.04 14:45
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