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Poll: How old are you?
Under 10 1 users
10-14 29 users
15-19 30 users
20-30 3 users
Over 30 0 users
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Please vote on this poll, and please be honest. Thanks.

30.08.04 13:53
Post #1
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I'm 6
30.08.04 13:54
Post #2
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SPAZ,He ask for age, not IQ. JK

I'm 10-15

30.08.04 13:56
Post #3
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I'm also 10-15

30.08.04 14:06
Post #4
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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I'm 20-30. Looks like there are not much of them.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

30.08.04 14:09
Post #5
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It seems there aren't

30.08.04 14:11
Post #6
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Maybe it's just question of time. ;)


Artwork by the wishmaster.

30.08.04 14:11
Post #7
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Well obviously :D

30.08.04 14:16
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im just 10-15 at 14
30.08.04 14:20
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30.08.04 14:23
Post #10
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I'm 50+ >_>

30.08.04 14:30
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I'm a junior in high school, you do the math.
30.08.04 14:31
Post #12
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Unlucky for some, 13. :)
30.08.04 14:35
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I think this would be a better poll if the age ranges were a little closer together - plus someone who is 15 could go into two different categories... But yes, there soes appear to be a slightly positive skew (I think - it might be negative)

I'll edit the poll slightly.

edit: split, may I ask, what the hell are you doing with your sig? :P

You know I'm a dancing machine
30.08.04 15:13
Post #14
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Bloopy would go into the same category as you falkra.

Im 18 for a couple of months yet.
30.08.04 15:18
Post #15
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