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well, seen as nobody likes ppl having loads of popup and scripts and things in the other threads, i decide to make this one. come in here and face the insane javascripts at ur own risk. now go away and post something!
06.05.03 00:13
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Ha ha...

I'm too lazy to upload it.. like you... hope this works:

Grr.. stupid
.. anyway.. who cares.. I'm not cluttering up my site with this junk (as in.. uploading it).
19.05.03 20:36
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heh, it doesn't work, cause line breaks are getting inserted into your script because of the forum. Still, I don't really want 900 alert boxes popping up to say that your iq has increased by one every time, up to thors waist diameter of 1000

You know I'm a dancing machine
19.05.03 20:51
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hehe... all one line, i just wrote it hopefully it has no bugs

editx: wheeee!
20.05.03 06:48
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the underwater text is now more visible.

22.05.03 04:33
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yep, it is on the map design, but none of the other designs have hidden text except for the dark blue one.

I'm gonna stop typing now cause that thing with the textarea is really annoying.

(it might just be me, or someone being annoying with the scripts, lol)

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.05.03 15:55
Post #6
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what thing wit the text area? u mean the flashing thingy that stops your typing until it stops flashing? yes that is annoying...
22.05.03 20:26
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it keeps resetting the cursor back to the beginning of the text box, but then I am using opera. I've resorted to typing what I want to say in the address bar and then copying it into th textarea. heh

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.05.03 21:42
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I see... well, wit IE it just stops the cursor for about a second.
22.05.03 21:45
Post #9
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silly JS. what with stealing all the power of your browser for a moment. ive edited the script to occur much more infrequently.
24.05.03 10:20
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