
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms:Armageddon Discussion » Fiddler weapons modules

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Heh heh, i like to make really crazy weapons with fiddler. A few examples: Homing napalm cow strike, gas bazooka strike, homing old woman launcher. I might even try to upload the module files. Anyone else have some funny or interesting ones?


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21.08.04 13:05
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I would, but Fiddler 3.2 doesn't wanna work with the newest beta patch.
21.08.04 16:34
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I have Fiddler 4.0, and doesn't work with beta patches either. (3.2 is old ;))
22.08.04 07:20
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yup, i had the same problem, so i, ahem, unpatched W:A for it to work


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22.08.04 09:08
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but...but...U cant have it with WinXP either i even took away the XP patch and tried it on Windows 98 and it still didnt work

I had no patches whatsoever on 98 and the game was crap:D
23.08.04 19:51
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If any1 have fiddle schemes or weapons and think they are interesting or cool(or anything else xcept dumb and supa-dupa-homing-blas-2000-cluster-all-will-die things), feel free to put here links or mail them to me @


I myself had tons of interesting fiddles and weapons by myself(i.e. Worms Magic), but hdd crash erased them all.

30.08.04 08:38
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Actually, it is possible to have an old W:A with Windows XP. Simply use Silkworm 4.12 (the antisilk one). Then start fiddler and off you go.
30.08.04 18:14
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ooh, i might try to upload some module files then. heh heh Euthinasia strike


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03.09.04 09:09
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hmmm, many ideas come in2 my head for fiddler weapons. Perhaps the mad cow minigun and the concrete donkey strike. Many more flood my head


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03.09.04 15:20
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is the unltimate way for having fiddler as well as the latest update.

But, I have some unique ideas, including flying fire, string of animas.

one of my favorites is a flying bomb that depends on the wind. It has an extremely high wind sensetivity, it goes through land and only blows up on worms.

Can someone tell me how to bring a link to download some of my weapon schemes?

21.05.06 06:04
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... 2 year old thread

Um, yeah HTML works on these forums
21.05.06 06:17
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