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i need your maps for
m.a.p.s. will be the biggest maps site ever! once i get the download page working, ill start adding all your stuff. i already have ~4000 maps.
05.05.03 06:51 Post #1 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Isn't it big enough already? if not, steal from my site, edit it so it says you made it. jk
05.05.03 06:53 Post #2 | [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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how can it be big enough already, there's only two maps there...
You know I'm a dancing machine |
05.05.03 15:14 Post #3 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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i see now...
06.05.03 06:20 Post #4 | [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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131 now... i entered the A's into the database. i have stuff to do tho and these need to get up and the downloads need to get working and my host is being slow and someone else is opening a maps site like mine so :X what's a worm to do?
06.05.03 07:34 Post #5 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Feel free to poach my maps off Bloopy's site.
They're in the Shopper/Flyshopper sections.
09.05.03 18:53 Post #6 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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I'm becoming a little skeptical already... how will we download your maps? How will you organise it, update it? If you're planning to use a similar to that of SFX check out . It has a very useful PHP script that creates a temporary zip file with your maps for you to download. Ask Markavian if you can use it (since he is the creator). It also has a place where members can upload their maps in the secure area. And I sincerely hope you'll have something like that... so people can get their maps up without going through you... If not.. tell me.. I'll send you my files >
19.05.03 20:17 Post #7 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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heh, he's already explained his reasons on the site for not accepting whatever anyone uploads. I think if annelid wanted people to upload their own he'd write his own script rather than use someone elses  , and I'm also pretty sure that he has already written the script that zips up your maps for download - that's how it will be done, pretty much like the one at tfc I believe, except annelid did actually do it first.
Well, I say first, but wormiverse and annelid were working on seperate systems at about the same time, and wormiverse was actually opened first. hmm... heh.
You know I'm a dancing machine |
19.05.03 20:35 Post #8 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Markavian had it before all of u guys so there
20.05.03 05:55 Post #9 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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how will we download your maps? How will you organise it, update it? If you're planning to use a similar to that of SFX check out .
you fool. i MADE the sfx one. of COURSE it's similar.
It has a very useful PHP script that creates a temporary zip file with your maps for you to download. Ask Markavian if you can use it (since he is the creator).
markavian did not create the script that everyone uses to zip files up. the credit for that goes to
It also has a place where members can upload their maps in the secure area. And I sincerely hope you'll have something like that... so people can get their maps up without going through you...
it is much easier to prevent shit from getting on the site if you have people send it to you yourself.
Markavian had it before all of u guys so there
bull fucking shit he did. i made one almost a year and a half ago, you may or may not remember the incident where i scrapped my project out of anger at the fact taht a very similar one came out at the same time. and i made it again now with my own code. of all the people to even suggest using someone else's script to, you do it to me....
as far as downloading my maps, let me say for the 6th+ time that my host still has some libraries to install so i can use php's compression commands. dont link me to scripts, i wrote one long ago that works fine. it is my server's problem and until they fix it i cant zip downloads.
i suppose now you're going to accuse me of taking his worm-pushing-a-shopping-trolley "idea" which is mine from over 2 years ago and which many people have used shamelessly, and i dont really care about it anymore.
20.05.03 06:38 Post #10 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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here goes the anger again - down boy, We don't need it.
anyway, heh annelid is pretty much right, he did write that script long ago in CGI and then scrap it. I saw it myself before it was removed.
But you can't tell whether markavian wrote the entire script or not. Personally I would use a pre-made library for zipping files, I don't have the first clue about editing all the binary etc. I would still call the script mine, although probably mention the library somewhere.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure annelid and wormiverse had it long before markavian, but you never know, perhaps he wrote it long ago and never told anyone. heh.
You know I'm a dancing machine |
20.05.03 18:27 Post #11 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Fine.. you made the SFX one.. maybe I forgot about it so fast cuz i never go there cuz it's so cluttered and annoying....
Anyway... I first saw Markavian implement it correctly. I don't care what you had, or what you were working on if it wasn't up... Oh and .. if you don't want shit on the site you could have a system.. where if people think the map is really horrible.. they give it a warning.. five warnings.. and you can delete it (or make it not show up unless people select a special option)?
And for a final word... need some anger management? I know some people that might be able to help you.
21.05.03 07:33 Post #12 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Suew you can have some of my maps. But you must have my URL along with them
22.05.03 01:17 Post #13 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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im 80% sure i replied to this thread immediately after zogger... either the post was deleted or it didnt submit or im dreaming
the solution to anger management is for fuckwits like YOU not to LIE in front of people like ME. and notice how i didnt have to resort to dissing your system, which i think is cool, like you did to mine.
24.05.03 10:16 Post #14 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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If you don't appreciate my critisism, fine... have a bad product.. i have all the maps i ever want.
24.05.03 13:13 Post #15 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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