
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms:Armageddon Discussion » Noone on Wn3?

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All i have is Wn3 its the only server that works for me. and now when Wn1 is back no ever...ever is on Wn3. I liek playing online to but theres noone there to play. Go on Wn3 more often plz
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12.08.04 20:02
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It doesn't work for me. It used to, but now it doesn't connect.
12.08.04 20:50
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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I just played on wn1 & wn2 minutes before the first post. Strange. 8O


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12.08.04 20:52
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The servers location changed, so you have to d/l another server list off the site.
13.08.04 01:56
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I don't seem to have any problems with any of the WormNets.

Must be your PC or something, Split


16.08.04 12:05
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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I created my account, but i didn't see anyone there (yet).


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16.08.04 19:12
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