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The last adventure left off in the half destoryed hideout of the pixel queen who was destoryed by C1. (if u want to know wats going on I'd suggest u read the rest of the story located in another post)

"Well, now what should we do?" asked C1.
"What about the people mutated by pixels shouldn't we change them back?" asked Bloopy
"But where would we find that?" asked Slaya
"I know, theres a secret weapon that would change all mutated people (from pixels)(some of these mutate people are called poxels) back to normal. Its on Mount Poxel but I've heard scary things about it." said Zogger

So they went on even though Zogger or any of the gang knew where it was but one person Zogger knew did and that was...
... a worm that was already mutilated by the pixels. But he and others were already corrupted by the pixelness and decided to stay like this and go to war to the BTP army! They...
decided to get together in a little hideout, just north of hackney, where they too plotted into the night to bring about the downfall of 'da crew' (popular lot, weren't they?). Their main plan was... give 'da crew' SARS, but then they realised they would get sick too, so...
they thought "we need another way", and, let's stop calling them 'da crew' . The other way they thought of was...
...making their brains melt by forcing them to watch that brittany spears movie...
which wouldn't work either cause one of the mutate pixels likes look at that so all the poxels and mutates desided to go up to the Poxel Mountain themselves and warp the machine to create more Poxels instead of changing them to human again...
...but the poxels wouldn't stay alive for very long, cause Team17 made the machine and it was full of bugs, so...
no Poxels could get to the gate of the Poxel they dug through, while the gang took the flying Mystery Machine up to as high as they could go up the mountain which was only about half way...
...because then their timer ran out and they had to wait until the next turn...
when they seen a poxel which was amazing to see since he got past the thing to stop the poxels from goin up the mountain. But he was actually a nice poxel and he told them that there was something worse than the Evil Pixel Queen...and that was the PIXEL KING! And his entire castle was at the top of this mountain...and hes the one guarding the poxel transformation machine...its horrible!
all the worms in the group were horrified! did they really end up in one of those cheesy sequels? if they win this round, will they face a pixel emperor? all questions that were destroying moral. But luckily...
...C1 thought the poxel might be lying so MABY SOMEONE COULD THINK OF WHAT HE MAY HAVE BEEN THE TRUTH...or was he really telling the truth...
to seek out the truth, the Scooby gang, as they were called, since Zogger thought the name 'da crew' inapproppriate, went otu to find the one who knows it all, the...
...old hobo that seems to be following them around since C1 stole him can of beans a ways back...and C1 gave him the beans back and he said that yes there was evil king pixel and his castle but dont worry about cause the pixel changer was lost somewhere else on the mountain (its a really big mountain) and that was...
...lying under a guhe pile of silly banana peels! After seeing the hobo eat his beans (a really disgusting sight), the group continued to climb the mountain, but not until after they slapped DarkOne for making them doubt the pixelking story and therefor waste valuable time. After a few boring hours...
C1 asked how the hell Dark One got there and he said that it was just by fluke. But just then they seen it the was it was...flying away in a plane that was shooting napalm all they had to hid and watch the changer fly way...but then DarkOne shot one his rope and flew miles into the air and lads onto the plane...they all follow afterwards except Slaya who got hit by the napalm...and later got captured by poxels...
suddenly, the Evil Pixel appeared and said: "i am the Evil Pixel and i shall rule you all!"
after this, he dissapeared and the story continued as like nothing had happened...
and so they all lived happily ever after - for 5 seconds, until...
they noticed that the plane they jumped on was falling fast but they didnt care cause they wanted that changer back so they riped open the plane with the jaws of death and jumped in. And the horrific seen they say driving the plane was...
...muahaha u want the poxel changer then fight me for it. But none of them really wanted to do this since they knew they couldn't beat him. But the pixel slayer who knew he wasn't much use anyways attacked him head on and his last words were , "KAMAKAZEE" And he blast into the pixel king whose body was badly distroyed and fell out of the plane but leaving the poxel changer. So they grabbed the poxel changer and parachuted out of the plane and noticed the kings giant head fly off to the mountain where they were going to get Slaya back...
but then it started to snow, which melted the mountains, and revealed a secret underground layer of...
Rhubarb Crumble!
They decided to start feasting, and had ben doing so for two minutes, when they realised that...
there layed the King Pixels giant space ship which was beginning to do the count down...10, 9, 8, 7, 6...they had to grab on so they jumped into a open compartment and the ship flew off into outer where they soon find out it Pixel Galaxy that included 6 planets full of pixels...and when they landed on the planet the King Pixel brought Slaya out and drove off with a giant pixel army behind him...
the swarming mass of pixels, they had to admin, was pretty scary, but for some insane reason they decided to go after the pixel, king. perhaps it was that they had taken slaya that drove, them, or perhaps it was the fact that the pixel king had a "kick me" sign on his um... back. Either way, they were soon to be surprised by
C1's crazy action of back flipping over the pixel army and kicked the pixel king in the back and blew out his head with his super powered kick. Soon after C1 was captured as well leaving: Zogger, Bloopy and Dark One behind....
then, bloopy farted, and because pixel aglaxy was so screwed up, it caused a huge explosion, this knocked them out and half of the pixel army died, bt then in the distance, something appeared. it was a huge..... who later the gang found out is the worms 3 creator and has great powers. Then he destroyed the rest of the pixels in a 1000 mile radious and then got Slaya and C1 to safely with the others. Here he told them that he learned of how the pixels were disturbing everyone and he would help them in there quest for a week or two. So after this he floated up above the pixel planets and distroyed 3 of the planets leaving only 3 left. After this they went to one of the planets and asked where THE EVIL PIXEL lived and he was scared into saying that the location was on an invisible pixel planet at the tip of the universe beside the dot to the left by the thingy. They knew exactly where they were talking about but just then...
the Evil Pixel appeared
and says, "You stupid minions why did I ever create you! Now you shall all parish..."
At that moment all the gang duck and the all the pixels on the planet are distroyed. Then THE EVIL PIXEL disapears again...
the Evil Pixel appeared again
"Btw, i rule!"
dissapears again...
...well at the moment the gang didn't really want to face THE EVIL PIXEL so they traveled home on a 3D space ship that the worms 3 creator created for them and he went home...but when they reached earth made a terrible discovery. While the were gone THE EVIL PIXEL had journeyed to earth and used the poxel changer and changed every human into a poxel and were being controlled by him. Good thing they had a poxel changer too but they left it by the mountain...but just then a poxel came up to them...
...and said "RARARARARARARARAR" and then C1 took the poxel and put it in the changer...
and the gang ran 4 their life...
and then.... !
the poxel arrested them since the poxels had taken over the world and within the week they were going to be put to death unless they escaped someone when suddenly when the gang was being taken to the prison the worms 3 creator came and saved them...but just then...
Dumazz jumped out and farted then ran away
...and then Dumazz scared the poxels and the helped the gang escape...and then Dumazz explained how he wasnt changed into a poxel...
...but that he was only in a disguise! because he was working with "la resistance", which was a really fancy club filled with french ppl, who thought it was nice to call themselves that. After helping the gang to escape...
...he danced around beating up poxels and then ate some bread...which distracted the poxels from the gang and they ran to the mountain...but when they went to the spot where the mountain was they noticed that it wasnt there...but it was floating above that spot in a giant pixel would they ever get in?
then they thought "well, we did buy that pair of wings down the car boot sale, perhaps they'll do us." So without further ado,
they randomly picked some guy from the crowd to give the wings a test drive, which ended up in a horrible accident, caused by...
the man flying too close to the sun and melting the wings. "Hasn't he heard the story of icarus?" they cried! sigh. So, the wings were burnt up and there was no way to get up, unless...
...they used that old, dirty oil lamp Bloopy found in a crate in the last shopper he played.
They rubbed it three times and out came...
a hell of a lot of dust and a few ants. pfft, alot of use that was. However, after putting the lamp down, something strange started to happen...
a lot of pixels came out! but there was something different about these pixels...
(btw all the humans turned into evil poxels) C1 got out his laptop and put in the magical worms game...which teleported them into a shopper(with utilities for some strange reason) where they could get the cr8s they needed to get up to the mountain...
...but they were stuck in the shoppa against a computer that knows how 2 play shoppa but instead of a lv 5 it was a
lv 999999999999999999999999 and was impossible becuz the computer could rope at 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999MPH so annelid came in and hacked into the game with a hex editor and changed the comp difficulty 2 lv-999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
that was very easy to beat since the computer then killed itself at -LV9999 and they escaped out of the game with 10 jet pack, 5 teleports, 2 bananas and 5 herds of cows...they used all the teleports and got into the castle on top of the floating mountain and found a horrible site it was...
the pixel king in a bathing suit!
All of them had to close their eyes to avoid having them melt, so they...
...bought some peril-sensitive sunglasses from a weird looking guy in a trenchcoat who made most of his money by things like this...
but by the time they returned to the castle, the pixel king had already used the time he got to leave and set a trap
so when the troop arrived, they were met by...
THE EVIL PIXEL...who later on killed the pixel king for no reason what so ever. And as soon as they seen the evil pixel another person appeared that was almost the same power as the EVIL PIXEL his name was...
Fat Bastard from that mike myers movie
but, being the beached whale that guy was, his guts decided it was a good day to explode and gush out, so they only had to worry about the EVIL PIXEL
but while all this was happening C1 was was able to retreave the poxel changer and so him and all the gang besides Zogger left the castle and began using the super power poxel changer adapter ...(which annelid made) which was connected to the one they stole to make it work. And soon the whole planet was changed to human again But then as Zogger stared at the EVIL PIXEL and the EVIL PIXEL starred at him he said...
HAHAHAHA! this is only my pixel form i shall go to the..........................................
which was too powerful for the world to hold to he shot off into outer space never to be seen for at least a little while...
but he left 2 get his photos from the planet pixelusoragunutanusagbgkga of him killing the pixel king (the evil pixel king)
and so the world went back to its normal self and the gang now needed something else to do...(all the poxels were changed to human again and the pixels are very slowly dying off...
so all of them went on and posted on the BTP forums, where they told the tales of the infinite stories! day Zogger was kidnapped by...
The xAx clan! so he could tell them how 2 beat xCx...ahh!
and Zogger said they must have a noble heart and be good...but then the xAx clan said they had no one like that so they thought they could at least get ransom for Zogger...or trick them but how...
the answer lay in the clan in between, the xBx clan! And this was...
Jesus! And to anoy Contra Clan they had to sing"Jesus its ur birthday, happy birthday Jesus, Jesus its ur birthday happy birthday Jesus..." But Contra found out about this and blew up everyone from those clans with the concrete donkey...and all of the gang was safe...until...the Worms 3 creator came to earth and told them some horrible new about...
Armys of pixel ancestors called....
Hooka Kooka Pixels....who were ancestors of THE EVIL PIXEL...and C1 thought of this may be a way of maybe weakening the EVIL PIXELS powers if he could get one of those ancestors on his side...but how...
are u not bored of the crappy story now?
and as all wormkind answered "NO" they went on thinking how to get one of the ancestors of the EVIL PIXEL on their side
They Thought about melding their minds because they r kinda stupid like the EVIL PIXEL but the gang found out that they r smarter then the stupid EVIL PIXEL and thought about what they were against and think that they could join forces...
but then C1 thought of the best idea! Since C1 had an enormous power he thought that what if he created a concocktion with EVIL PIXEL in it so that it would be like him being an evil pixel so what he did was he told all who wanted to be on his side(Zogger, C1, Slaya, DarkOne, Dumazz, the rest on Contra Clan, the giant worms, a hobo, that guy in the tree whos human again, the flying hobos who are now free, and the Canadian army with its muskets) and they attacked the pixel ancestors and very little of them were hurt or killed. And after that C1 stole the blood and began creating his concocktion and a piece of the story was left without him and Slaya (who helped to make it).
and since there wasn't much to do for them (fighting the pixels without secret weapon is folly), so enjoyed themselves watching hamster races!.
Zog was betting on the grey hamster to win all the races. But then...
...the hamster judge noticed Zogger cheating and they all got kicked out...
which didn't quite work, cause -as a group- they didn't fit through the door, so...
they called C1 and Slaya who were done very quickly thanks to Slaya's fast they broke them out and they all got into the space ship to the EVIL PIXELS PLANET! (even tho they didnt know were it was so they beat up some pixels on earth and made them show them and so they travel in space looking for the planet...
where they almost crashed into the starship Enterprise!
After giving its captain the advice not to drink and drive, they continued their journey into the unknown...
during this time Slaya and C1 was testing the drink that had the pixel juice in it...and it worked surpurbly! And C1 also trained since this was a very hard battle that would be would it would...and they still traveled into the unknown...
...and at the first intergalactic space station they made a pitstop, because forgot to go to the little worms' room before they went to outer space. After also picking up some additional ammo and weaponry (amazing, the stuff you can buy at gas stations these days), they...
kept going into the unknown which was really close to the EVIL PIXELS PLANET only about 3 feet did they miss it...LOL...but when they got to the planet a horrible defence awaited them...
...who liked decorating his name with lots of insanely big exclamation marks, which was evil.
Because of the army of exclamation marks, the pixel blaming army got help from a huge group of question marks, out for revenge against their enemies in the eternal struggle between questions and answers. They...

(gee, were some parts of that story lyrical or not? )

...Asked the commas 4 help and joined the question marks out 2 deafeat the exclamtions...
and then after some gay puncuation fight they went down to the EVIL PIXEL's PLANET...but he was having a shower at the they just beat up other pixels...
cause they still remembered the horror of seeing the pixel king in his bathing suit *shudder*.
it was a fierce battle, which lasted...
4 seconds adn then the EVIL PIXEL drained all there energy and powered up for the fight...C1 said to stand back because he planned on the drink idea he and Slaya thought of. So he began to drink the drink...the EVIL PIXEL's like..."Ha! Ur kind are soo stupid that they think a drink will save them!" And then then there was a POOF! And grew 2 times his size. And so the EVIL PIXEL shot at him in fright. Which was easily blocked now with C1's super pixel powers. And so C1 told the gang to get over here. And then C1 ran at the evil pixel full force. The pixel got freaked out now that he knew how strong he was so he put al his power into a giant force field. It was easily broken through with a great axe of power. It slice half way through the evil pixel. Then the gang shot 5 nanas all at once. Then C1 used a teleport. And teleported to the space ship. And the others did the same after they shot off the nanas and the donkey that was set off accedetly by Slaya. And then after they teleported they noticed...
that the bananas they threw at the EVIL PIXEL were real ones instead of the weapons.
so the EVIL PIXEL might've escaped!
after extracting the banana DarkOne ate (which was obviously a bomb). After a really painful operation (which means C1 navigated a metal hand through DarkOne's mouth), they searched the wreckage of what once was the EVIL PIXEL's vacation planet, to find...
a map to his real planet...
which resembled a 3D pixel!
and to make matters worse, every molecule that comes to that planet turns into a pixel itself, adding to the confusion!
so they had to make another plan (yes, lots of those in this story)...
but as u know it that drink that C1 and Slaya concocked was very helpful since with a little adjustment (and the last and final doss) (only lasts for 1 day) he was able to go on the planet but all alone. This time he took all percotions. And since he couldnt use any weapons he had to wait before going to the planet...but then Slaya had a great idea!
"remember that banana bomb you got from DarkOne's stomach 4 posts ago? Use that one!"
(hey, I never said the idea wasn't disgusting)
And so, not knowing whether the banana bomb will actually work or not, brave C1 took the banana bomb (after washing it, this isn't a horror story) and decided to face the evil pixel...
but as DarkOne said that made the story impossible NOTHING CAN GO ONTO THE EVIL PIXELS PLANET with out turning into pixels...So instead he began to push enormous meteors towards it turning them into pixels that were even more defistating...since there were about a trillion of them...but again the evil pixel could eat them so they distracted him from the other side by showing the evil pixel that hes stupid since he cant even he left his planet and sealed the remaining gang in the space ship in a pixel barrier. While that was happening the EVIL PIXELS planet just exploded...and then C1 teleported to the first planet he thought of (not earth tho) and that was...
Nippon QQ
a bit later, they were joined again by DarkOne, who - as they then found out - poored some of that magic potion that was still left, over the pixel planet, turning every back to it's original form
Since many have already tried to destroy the pixel planet, it turns out that many of those pixels were in fact weapons, ready to explode!
Back on Nippon QQ, when they looked up in the sky, they saw...
the pixel planet solar system along with everything around it become completely distroyed...then C1 (with only 45 mins left in the potion) concentrated all energy he had at the EVIL PIXEL and shot it at him. The EVIL PIXEL couldnt counter it. But of coarse the EVIL PIXEL was just a little bit powerful so he lived. But all magic, energy, strength (besides teleport) was distroyed. He and with that the weak ass little evil pixel quivered away hiding on some unknown planet all alone....later the gang traveled back to earth safely...

...where they finished posting about this tale on the BTP forums, ready to face their next pixelkilling story

..THE END?!!!!! :)

03.05.03 19:30
Post #1
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