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lol. yes. The virus is called Win ME.

You know I'm a dancing machine
28.07.04 10:48
Post #46
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:evil:no way some1s gona send me a virus
28.07.04 14:23
Post #47
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[G]dj canada
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No, but we will send you a "worm" ;)
28.07.04 14:49
Post #48
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28.07.04 15:02
Post #49
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[G]dj canada
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Can we please call this thread the "We hate xDmTxsonic" thread.......

There is no point in explaining ANYTHING to you.....
28.07.04 15:17
Post #50
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[]Unvalidated EmailxWaRxPiGx
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... i pity da foo ... cos da fool pitys me ...

Yes sonic change the name of the thread to we hate xDmTxsonic plz. and ever heard of a search engine??


xWaRPiGx's Maps!
28.07.04 18:19
Post #51
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Orangie Orgy
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Its appearant, sonics a complete idiot to the internet.
28.07.04 20:33
Post #52
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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I don't think we can teach him everyting, and are the ones who must do that.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

28.07.04 20:40
Post #53
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[G]dj canada
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I got rated down by 3 becuase of my "offensive" post towards xDmTxsonic...

:) whichever post it was, it was worth it.

sonic is just one of thoes poeple who is'nt going to change....
you can't explain anything to him, he does not make sense half the time and he feels the need to spam rather than attribute anything meaningfull to BTP. I know of myself and a couple other users who have tryed to help him already... but the fool will not listen.

I give up, let the shark run wild in the sea of gold fish....

28.07.04 22:46
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I'd call him a pixel, rather than a shark. A shark has power, he does not.

"He's a pixel amongst a bunch of worms with shot guns. He's annoying, but eventually we'll hit him."
29.07.04 00:18
Post #55
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more like "eventually i will stop" becuase i will stop sooner or later. you will see.MUAHAHAHAHA:twisted:
29.07.04 01:38
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"We'll probably hit the pixel before it proves to be good"
29.07.04 01:42
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[]Unvalidated EmailxWaRxPiGx
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... i pity da foo ... cos da fool pitys me ...

Quoted :: xDmTxsonic

more like "eventually i will stop" becuase i will stop sooner or later. you will see.MUAHAHAHAHA:twisted:

you need many years of therapy.. you are one messed up kid.. i pity u .. pity pity pity..


xWaRPiGx's Maps!
29.07.04 05:09
Post #58
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Stupid dumbfuck Sonic. No patience to do anything, and stupidly spamming to get attention and help. Just fucking find it out yourself you moron! I'm 10 years old, and I know TWICE as much as you do! I probably even do Math, Science, and Social Studies and anything else better than you! Just close your mouth shut and walk away quickly before you really get harassed.
31.07.04 17:14
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Quoted :: Dumazz

Stupid dumbfuck Sonic. No patience to do anything, and stupidly spamming to get attention and help. Just fucking find it out yourself you moron! I'm 10 years old, and I know TWICE as much as you do! I probably even do Math, Science, and Social Studies and anything else better than you! Just close your mouth shut and walk away quickly before you really get harassed.

I think your about 1000 times smarter than him.
31.07.04 17:19
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