
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheHelp » Full Screen Window Screen

[G]dj canada
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For W:A, is there at all anyway I could play Worms in a resizable windows screen rather than in full screen? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to know this as well.
23.07.04 06:07
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The way DirectX works prevents you from being able to play the game in a windowed format.
23.07.04 16:11
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[G]dj canada
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So theres not even a crack or proggy that can do it? :(
23.07.04 16:54
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Nope. Most probably the only thing you're going to get is a minimize screen. You see, with WWP, if you try to break out of it ingame (using the Alt+Tab enabler), you go to a pitch black Windows screen with the taskbar being the only thing visible. And you don't have any control over anything until you Alt+Tab back into WWP. It's basically the same thing that keeps you from making resized windows, but unlike minimizing, I don't think that windows will work.
23.07.04 17:22
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[G]dj canada
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Well shoot, ok, thanks Glenn :D
23.07.04 17:37
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