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do i have to use the grave animationer? Does it work on Worms Armageddon? Can people download them? Can trees float? And is it easy enough? Oh and are there any problems?
01.05.03 04:34
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you misunderstand the animated grave machine. It isn't meant for making your own graves and animating them, it is meant for changing your grave to one of the sprites from W:A or WWP, for exqample the arrow that pops up above a worms head, a concrete donkey or a fire punch fireball. It only lets you select a grave from the sprites that are available. Making your own animated graves, as far as I can tell, is utterly impossible if you wanted anyone else to see them.

You know I'm a dancing machine
01.05.03 22:02
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o :P
15.05.03 05:46
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C1 is a bit retarded.
26.07.03 12:16
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i have to argue, i would say you were more retarded
26.07.03 12:52
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yeh, seems like every month someone new comes along who's a worse spammer than the one last month.

You know I'm a dancing machine
26.07.03 13:54
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how does a banning sound?
26.07.03 17:01
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ban - ning

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
26.07.03 17:41
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ok, i propose you ban dingbats (OI^^)
26.07.03 23:04
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we'll see, we'll see.

You know I'm a dancing machine
27.07.03 15:18
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heh i wasnt that bad i just replyed lots. Zogger you do the same. But dont reply. You said urself u look at every new post. But dont reply cause u have no new info
29.07.03 03:59
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