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this box comes up and says "Why? because i can"
I think it's the pixel!

01.05.03 04:28
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stop looking at me!
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
Please name the scheme of your tourney, the date for it to occur and the duration of the tourney

or it's ReadMe

RRkit Ranking
PM me if you want a graph like this for your sig :)
Click the pic to go to RRkit!
01.05.03 05:21
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Oh no! there's a "Blame The Pixel" one coming up!

01.05.03 05:54
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popup sucks.
01.05.03 18:33
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The popup rocks! Keep it popping!

Learn to look, look to learn.
01.05.03 21:33
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ok thor, don't go insane on the javascript, and the same to AbdBoy for the signature thing, you've inspired me to write a new feature to the forum, so Admins can add something to your sig which is not removable by you, and make your status unchangeable

edit: same to readme, btw.

You know I'm a dancing machine
01.05.03 21:52
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okey we now have the power to disable HTML for you, and stop you from changing your status.

You know I'm a dancing machine
01.05.03 23:05
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stop looking at me!
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
Please name the scheme of your tourney, the date for it to occur and the duration of the tourney

yay! :)
can we edit our msgs soon too, mr programmer? :)

RRkit Ranking
PM me if you want a graph like this for your sig :)
Click the pic to go to RRkit!
01.05.03 23:47
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i would recommend using stiptags() to only allow certain html tags to be used, as i mentioned in the post on bloopy's forum, it's very easy to mess up the entire design of the page using just one tag such as div or table and just not closing it.

is there a form of UBB code on this forum?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.05.03 01:14
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yay! :)
can we edit our msgs soon too, mr programmer? :)

um... what are you on about, you can already edit your messages, it's a simple case of clicking the edit bottom on the bottom right corner of your post...


i would recommend using stiptags() to only allow certain html tags to be used, as i mentioned in the post on bloopy's forum, it's very easy to mess up the entire design of the page using just one tag such as div or table and just not closing it.

is there a form of UBB code on this forum?

it does use strip tags to remove the tags from those with html banned, but I don't want to disable any tags because it's fun to be able to have your own script etc. within reason. I am aware that the design can easily be broken, but few people would do it with bad intent, and in any case it can just be edited. Also, if I were to disable the script tag, that would mean quote sig scripts couldn't be used. With the script tag enabled, it's perfectly possible to use it to post any HTML you want. So to sum up, I won't be disabling any tags unless people abuse having HTMl enabled - in which case they will be individually banned from using HTML :).

edit: UBB code - hmm, I would call it BB code really, I don't know who originally invented it, but I doubt it was UBB.

The only BB code on this forum is the quote tag, apart from that it's all HTML. BB code is fairly pointless if HTML is enabled - it's just as easy to use HTML.

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.05.03 00:13
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