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[G]dj canada
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DJ likes music...
DJ lives in Canada
'nuff said.

04.08.04 23:42
Post #16
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I got mine thanx to all my m8s, wen we go out on the piss, im always the youngest. and i was called a Runt becoz of this. Hence the name.


05.08.04 00:43
Post #17
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Mine's inspired by an antivirus. Original, no?
05.08.04 16:55
Post #18
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Someone in the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 community had an "arch-enemy" named TEH EBIL CAT. (NOT misspelled!) First I thought it was a spelling error, though it wasn't. Anyway, that's an evil cat. The x's come from WWP (Everyone kicks if you're not having those l337 x's)
21.08.04 15:32
Post #19
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