
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » I'm assuming this isn't Meiapaul...

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Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay? love off, okay?
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay?
Meiapaul> love off, okay?
emphatic> you're a nob
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay? love off, okay?
** aRxlReDuBlx has left the channel. **
** CFD has left the channel. **
** nT has left the channel. **
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay?
Meiapaul> love off, okay?
** kaolladark has left the channel. **
** Natka has left the channel. **
emphatic> im gonna get shit when i come back now because of you
** ArildT has left the channel. **
emphatic> :X
emphatic> #ip
** oOlHuNtAlOo has entered the channel. **
NewbieHelpBot: #ip
** xDFLx has entered the channel. **
** aRtoxidus has left the channel. **
** xATExCrono has entered the channel. **
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay? love off, okay?
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay?
** lgnlzh has entered the channel. **
Meiapaul> love off, okay?
did you get a return?
** Nahkisllfresh has entered the channel. **
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay? love off, okay?
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay?
** Links234 has entered the channel. **
** xDFLx has left the channel. **
Meiapaul> love off, okay?
** TheCapista247 has left the channel. **
NewbieHelpBot: #fl
** Nahkisllfresh has left the channel. **
** emphatic has left the channel. **
** RavenCarver has entered the channel. **
** lgnlzh has left the channel. **
** Franklin has entered the channel. **
[Mekcsiken] fl loc Hungary
[oOlHuNtAlOo] fl loc France
[RavenCarver] fl loc United States
[Franklin] fl loc Poland
[xATExCrono] fl loc Brazil
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay? love off, okay?
[MetaKnight] fl loc Brazil
[Links234] fl loc Canada
[xFIBxHurameshi] fl loc Brazil
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay?
Meiapaul> love off, okay?
** MetaKnight has left the channel. **
** TheCapista247 has entered the channel. **
xATExCrono> Boa tarde
ConsequencE> hey Meia :)
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay? love off, okay?
** xFIBxHurameshi has left the channel. **
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay?
** dyn4mi73ss has left the channel. **
** `Dibz-TdC has left the channel. **
** ConsequencE has entered the channel. **
** lgnlzh has entered the channel. **
Meiapaul> love off, okay?
** TrapshotxGIT has entered the channel. **
** YnqT has entered the channel. **
YnqT> #ip
Meiapaul> love off, okay? love off, okay?
** Liquid has entered the channel. **
Meiapaul> love off, okay?
** MetaKnight has entered the channel. **
YnqT> #ip
ConsequencE> >:E
** Kinder has entered the channel. **
** xDFLx has entered the channel. **
TheCapista247> SHUT UP
** TrapshotxGIT has left the channel. **
TheCapista247> YOU IDIOT
03.07.04 20:02
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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LOL, looks like someone, copy-paste addicted, doens't like much Meiapaul. This is one more proof of the utility of moderators and good admins... this "disguised" guy should have been kicked quickly.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

03.07.04 20:13
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Appears to have been that pizza-muching friendless fuck Grober.
03.07.04 20:45
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i dont see the point of posting things like this, stuff like that goes
on all day on wn, just because you where there when it happend....

i dont think its meia tho.
03.07.04 21:19
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It's good that he posted it. Makes people know that it's a fake, in case people didn't know. I can see that the swear filter is on :P
04.07.04 04:37
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I see that enough everywhere. Expect it, don't be surprised.
04.07.04 08:47
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Let me intruduce you to Grober Wicht. He seems to like spamming, and apparently logging on as me :\

Rather ugly, isnt he?
04.07.04 17:56
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[]The Pope
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Mmmmmm....sweaty forehead.

(Fat fingers too; does it rope?)

Learn to look, look to learn.
04.07.04 18:01
Post #8
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it plays "Shoppa"....or at least asks for them a few hundred times a day :|
04.07.04 18:03
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[]The Pope
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You sure he's not asking to go to the shops several hundred times a day?

Learn to look, look to learn.
04.07.04 18:07
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It needs to be diciplined.
05.07.04 15:48
Post #11
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Looks like someone couldnt be botherd to take down last years christmas lights!
05.07.04 16:38
Post #12
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[]Unvalidated EmailxWaRxPiGx
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... i pity da foo ... cos da fool pitys me ...

love off, okay?


xWaRPiGx's Maps!
06.07.04 03:24
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

not funny
06.07.04 13:55
Post #14
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Quoted :: The Pope

(Fat fingers too; does it rope?)

Thats offence to me and my kind, i have fairly chubby fingers and i rope :x
06.07.04 16:23
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