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This is one of the raddest threads at my forum right now. Check out some of the sweet images people are posting on this thread.

Viewer discression not advised.

Follow the progress of my episodic worms series!
30.06.04 04:55
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Ya it's pretty cool. I posted my Fatal Fanatic worm. One of the only girl worms pics I've made/seen.
30.06.04 04:58
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cannot be found?

maybe its just me though.

tried several links. cannot be found :/double edit: works on IE. typical
30.06.04 12:21
Post #3
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Uhmm.... a thread dedicated to people's findings and drawings of WORM pornography? The internet needs to STOP. :P


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
30.06.04 12:25
Post #4
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this is making me feel so perverted, i mean im looking at pornographic images of frigin WORMS!
30.06.04 12:58
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my worm with a sexy ass has been added:D
feel free to be gob smacked and gore at her as sexyness!

30.06.04 18:01
Post #6
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[G]the candy man
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its pretty sad that your looking at WORM PORN if you ask me.
30.06.04 18:21
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Hahah. It's funny and fun so long as you're not turned on... which I am betting no one is. It's only worm porn cuz I said it is, and no other reason.

Follow the progress of my episodic worms series!
30.06.04 20:59
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dum de dum de dum

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
30.06.04 22:31
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Worm pornography is animal pornography aka illegalness.
01.07.04 12:37
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

yeah, it is illegal to go to zoo:P
01.07.04 12:58
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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

Worm pornography is animal pornography aka illegalness.

illegal for some... :twisted:
01.07.04 14:02
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Hm, readme, I thought we disabled javascript after...
someone abused it.

01.07.04 15:27
Post #13
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pixel porn, hey sum1 shud tell the pixel blamer bout this, he'll love it a treat :lol:


01.07.04 17:48
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it does say you might get a zillion popups in the thread description....

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
01.07.04 20:33
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