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There's no way freakin way me and MrrLL are the only ppl on BTP who has LieroX, anyone else have this game?

23.06.04 02:17
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I used to but I threw it away for W:A. :D
23.06.04 02:49
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lol, well I played mrrll a few days ago at it, so no, I /have/ it, just don't play really. edit: it would be a better game if it were actually real time worms.

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23.06.04 08:28
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Hm...Sum1 could always edit the graphics and stuff and make it that way..
23.06.04 13:52
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I have Liero too, but i prefer Warcraft;)
23.06.04 13:57
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Quoted :: C1

Hm...Sum1 could always edit the graphics and stuff and make it that way..

that wouldn't change the fact that playing leiro feels nothing like playing worms. It's just... different...

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23.06.04 14:52
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Yeah, I agree. Worms is much more fun. It wouldn't be such a bad idea if they created another 2d worms game with realtime worms and turn based. And it would be an option for which one you would want.
23.06.04 15:02
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sounds interesting

*goes and downloads liero Xtreme*


An image!

24.06.04 19:51
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i prefer lierox over wwp :lol:

theres like mods with up to 200 weapons and really cool landscapes
25.06.04 16:28
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I'm glad we got Docta interested, of course Liero is based off Worms. Note the weapons like Cluster Bomb, Banana Box, Napalm, ect...

26.06.04 08:17
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Banana Box? Can you explain that weapon. Also, isn't liero older than worms? So wouldn't that mean, team17 copied liero?
26.06.04 17:58
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no, I'm pretty sure liero is newer than worms.

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26.06.04 18:51
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Some ppl like Liero over worms because of all of the mods made. And it's easier to work with then worms.

26.06.04 19:50
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except for the lag part, that can get annoying
26.06.04 21:25
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have you ever joined a game, rather than hosted it mrrll, I mean you are on 56k, it's not ideal for a real time game seein as you have to send and recieve the info for everyone else in the game... doesn't make a diff on 2 player, but will do on more than that

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27.06.04 09:00
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