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I can't find any N64, or Ps2 ROMs or anything like that. Does anyone know what site has some or if any person has them, and they feel like sending them to me? The sites I went to that had N64 ROMs you had to pay for, or vote for. And even if I did vote it still wouldn't give me the damn thing.

15.06.04 19:53
Post #1
Last edited: 15.06.04 19:57 (Zippy - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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Use a P2P, like shareazza.
15.06.04 21:04
Post #2
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roms are illegal, i've said this many times. you wanna find them then dont ask people on a public forum that prohibits discussion of gaining illegal software etc.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
15.06.04 21:56
Post #3
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