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boring, but not that dissimilar:

zog in south park

You know I'm a dancing machine
15.06.04 16:00
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An image!

I have much shorter hair than that.

15.06.04 16:05
Post #17
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[]The Pope
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An image!

Learn to look, look to learn.
15.06.04 16:46
Post #18
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fancy git!

And i KNEW you would add the teamspeak thing!
15.06.04 16:55
Post #19
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[]The Pope
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lol. I'm that obvious? Ah well.

(And yes, I animate anything that's simple enough and contains one colour. It's quick and adds character :P )

Learn to look, look to learn.
15.06.04 16:59
Post #20
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wow, very nic3 Pope. I commend you for your cool ness,
15.06.04 17:22
Post #21
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never knew u had a beard, I had one similar ( a wee stripe ) but got bored. And chopped it off.
15.06.04 17:23
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[]The Pope
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You mean goatee?

Learn to look, look to learn.
15.06.04 17:36
Post #23
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thats right. couldnt remember the name
15.06.04 17:50
Post #24
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[]Star Worms
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Heh, I remember doing one of myself on another forum.

Star Worms!

15.06.04 18:16
Post #25
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The Good Die Young
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An image!

This is basically me on a friday night. Every other day Im the same minus the blunt and the beer.

Well maybe not everyday but most days. :lol:


An image!

15.06.04 18:20
Post #26
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

lol, pope dosn't have beard or mediium length brown hair
he has short dark brown/black

An image!
15.06.04 18:39
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[]The Pope
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There was no short blacky brown hair so I used what was closest...

Learn to look, look to learn.
15.06.04 18:45
Post #28
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The Good Die Young
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Quoted :: psymon

An image!

I have much shorter hair than that.

Do you have any hair?


An image!

15.06.04 19:26
Post #29
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[G]the candy man
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Yeah look at me im a hardcore gangster

APart from the Gun, and the beard, and the fag....thats me
15.06.04 20:02
Post #30
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