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Everytime i go to Wormnet2 i have a different IP address. how do i fix that?
13.06.04 16:37
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Well there's not much you can do. It would seem you are on a dynamic IP, meaning it changes every time you connect, or just periodically. Normally if you want a static IP you have to pay more for it....
What is it you want a static IP for...?

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13.06.04 16:41
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Not online within the last half an hour host. And play the online games easier. With a changing IP I cannot host.
13.06.04 16:43
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My IP changes all the time, and I host a lot, so thats not your problem split
13.06.04 16:54
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[G]the candy man
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yeah its fine for me as well and my IP changes.
On your internet port settings have you opend the right ports? And when you do it asks you to put in the computer IP OR NAME i suggest you put your computer name in or you will have to change everytime you connect.
You can find your computer name in Controll Panel>System
13.06.04 17:29
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

Well there's not much you can do. It would seem you are on a dynamic IP, meaning it changes every time you connect, or just periodically. Normally if you want a static IP you have to pay more for it....
What is it you want a static IP for...?

Hm, I would think you'd pay more for a dynamic ip. Seeing as you would get more security from hackers.
13.06.04 18:53
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Static IPs are useful for other stuff tho, like hosting a website from your comp - and really not much less secure than a dynamic IP, just get a firewall. lol. It's not like it's hard to find someones IP whether it's dynamic or static anyway...

You know I'm a dancing machine
13.06.04 19:17
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[G]the candy man
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i have a dynamic Ip but it doesnt change everyime i dial the net, its everytime i turn on my PC
13.06.04 20:40
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Quoted :: split host. And play the online games easier. With a changing IP I cannot host.

Try de-clicking that Force IP box before you go on Wormnet. Otherwise, it may be a firewall issue.
14.06.04 02:16
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He is not using a firewall. I was at his house when this started to happen.

14.06.04 08:36
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Quoted :: Worm Warrior

the ip changes all the time and like Zog said u have to more for a dynamic IP!


Anyway, this sounds like a rather curious problem. Does his ISP have it's own firewall (or whatever it is to keep certain sites/games out)? And also, tell him to uninstall, and then reinstall up to the patch, and see if hosting works.
14.06.04 16:12
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all i want to know is how to stop the stupid IP from changing.
14.06.04 23:56
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can some one tell me how to stop it from changing???
15.06.04 01:07
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You can't stop it from changing, unless you buy into a static IP. You CAN HOST with a changing IP, because I can, and so can over 80% of the other people that host on Wormnet (the rest have a non-changing IP).
15.06.04 02:04
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thx for the help. Seriosly it really helped
15.06.04 15:19
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