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Quoted :: HarrY

umm?? no, ther is equality here, we dont spit in the faces of enw people and give gold 2 bluies, we treat everyone with equality.
and MrrLL, could you please link us2 this pointless post? and maby it wasnt seen by an admin

Harry's right. The only reason some of the new people get bashed, etc. are because of their "n00bish" attitude. Like take deadlight for example or Glenn. Both of them gained respect very quickly here, even before they posted much. That's because they didn't start out like complete idiots.
06.06.04 04:24
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If you could tell C1 has had posts marekd as spam, you just can't see it on the rating cause he's had too many, and I haven't noticed spam from many of the other blue users, mostly they've been here long enough to learn what differentiates spam from a good post...

You know I'm a dancing machine
06.06.04 09:55
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actually cos it rounds up, 1/2000000000 posts would still show as 1% - ppl have just been deleting their spam marked posts tho =/

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.06.04 12:14
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i have one post marked as spam:(
havnt delted it....yet:twisted:

06.06.04 12:36
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Could I make a suggestion? What if you lose the rating if you edit it, and the admins just get a pm from you editing it. That way, people wouldn't delete the posts and the post won't be spam anymore.
06.06.04 17:30
Post #20
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I looked into over 50 profiles, but it seems that nobody has at least a 1% spam rating. Does that mean that this forum is 100% spam free?:lol:
06.06.04 19:14
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no, it means your not looking in the right place.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
06.06.04 19:53
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That's a relief, since it looked kinda freaky when i saw that Bowzer has a 0% spam rating...
07.06.04 10:28
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Bowzer hasnt visited the forum yet. AFAIK.
07.06.04 14:24
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bowzer isnt inteligent enough 2 create a post here, or a thread, or anyhting realy.

07.06.04 15:17
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bowzer was banned.:lol::P

07.06.04 18:05
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