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[G]dj canada
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i noticed that BTP is 23 members away from 2000 members

is their gonna be a party or what?
04.06.04 20:07
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Doubt that very much. How would we be able to have a party? unless we hire out Wn for all the BTP members.

04.06.04 20:22
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Well, that's 2000 members that have signed up. The only problem is, the vast majority of those are inactives that didn't post, or posted a handfull of times. Is there going to be a party, probably not. Something special... maybe... How about a 2000 user map that has each person's name and their torso in it :P?
04.06.04 20:23
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We should all go on WN at the same time for a party, use PartyTime because no one every uses that and we all just play each other.(Or we all use one password in anything goes)

04.06.04 20:26
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lol, not part time!(no rope knocking or blood fx)
RH is the one;)
but if u want a part, just ask LOADS of people 2 go with u, and i refuse 2 go on wn2
i will enjoy my self much better in wn1:D
but i doubt that ther will be a party

04.06.04 20:33
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yeah, there might be almost 200 people, But about 100 of those actually still post.

The Rest are Inactives/Joke Accounts/ Banned Members

05.06.04 00:10
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Glenn, that's a fantastic idea! Just how'd you incorporate that into a playable map?

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05.06.04 07:20
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a roperace, with the torsos and names making walls, or a shopper/roper with the torsos and different colours making pictures :)

i remember when there was something like this for user 1000...
05.06.04 10:00
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we should really celebrate when we get more members than cl2k... 2447 cl2k members at the moment


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
05.06.04 10:23
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Sounds like a good idea but then I'll be shown as green for the rest of my life!:P

05.06.04 11:23
Post #10
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Yeah, you would. But you would only be one of those 2000 names on that list, so it would be hard to find you.
Now it's only 10 members left!
05.06.04 18:15
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Yeah, maybe wait until 3000. That would better. Than we would beat cl2k, and starworms will be blue. But I suggest that we only put the active people on the map, if we do make one.
05.06.04 19:24
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But then it wouldn't be much of a celebration map if all the users aren't included. The bluies could have the hides in a shoppa:P An RR map would look quite nice with all the users' names. A br would be interesting too but maybe too hard to fit them all it:|

05.06.04 20:39
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Quoted :: Star Worms

But then it wouldn't be much of a celebration map if all the users aren't included. The bluies could have the hides in a shoppa:P An RR map would look quite nice with all the users' names. A br would be interesting too but maybe too hard to fit them all it:|

All members that are active are included. I don't think unactive members care, since they won't even know about the map. And 3000 names would be a tad too many for a map.
06.06.04 04:26
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lol. Interesting idea, but it sounds v. tricky to make, and I'm not sure you could fit 2000 names on a map.

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06.06.04 09:49
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