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I wanted to make an interesting thread. So I thought why don't the clan leaders come here and tell their story on how their clans grew and stuff. Like for example, for members, bad beginning moments ect...

31.05.04 18:54
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go oin then
31.05.04 19:07
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[]Star Worms
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April 2003 I set up the Xtreme Cheesy Wormers Clan and a forum. Later on in May I merged with the Worming Rabble clan and formed the Worms 'r' Us clan. Then the forum was moved here.

31.05.04 19:11
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Febuary 2004, I started the Clan from scratch and my first 2 members were xWGxrampage and xWGxDatsmarf. The site I had was crap and I always had to host for those two. Then I started to get more members then the clan was becoming a pro clan. My member Almost started a clan of his own then I banned Rampage for being the most embarassment to the clan but mostly himself. As you can see now it's 85% successful, of course no one would be at 100%. Many people like SPAZ, aGGrO, and C1 said this clan would be n00b.

31.05.04 19:18
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

go oin then


umm, well yonkies ago my bro and eel made a clan, i joined and so did this other guy adam joined, that was about it:lol:
the clan was called r2c, rotten 2 the core
this clan was when rankings existed, in wa
then then i couldnt b bother dwith wormies nemore, duny why. I came back 2 wa, and only 2 find that rankings was removed!
eventually i joined a gr8 clan called EmC-elite masters clan, and noam as the clan leader:)
then the CD broke! and i had 2 wait until wwp came out
i then joined w0w, which was truely a damn good clan:)
it all kinda fucked up when clown(our leader) left, as he we bored of wormies
i then, after a few months fdecided 2 go of wwp and move back 2 wa, we got a new cd and i thaught wwp sucked:)
i then joined contra clan:D
u can see teh game where i was asked 2 join in the recordings section here:)(the big br game)

31.05.04 19:26
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Well, I was playing worms for a bit and I met Slaya. Him and his friend were thinking of making a clan. So I joined and offered to make a site. The site was terrible and we started off on a rocky road. We managed to build it up and after awhile make a great clan. Slaya's friend left the clan but the clan is still going strong. And we're always hoping for new members to add onto the history. We almost merged to TuS for awhile but that didn't work out, so we un-merged. And we had a bunch of other stories to tell but this post is getting really long.
31.05.04 20:34
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Quoted :: Star Worms

April 2003 I set up the Xtreme Cheesy Wormers Clan and a forum. Later on in May I merged with the Worming Rabble clan and formed the Worms 'r' Us clan. Then the forum was moved here.

It was later than that, because I joined XCW in July, when I started visiting the T17 forums. And it was at least two months before the merger...
31.05.04 21:10
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[]Star Worms
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I remember that I set up the forum in late April. I'm not entirely sure of when we merged but I'm pretty sure it was sometime in May.

31.05.04 21:17
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What was the 1st clan anyway?

31.05.04 22:32
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WwA or SFX would be my guesses (what does SFX stand for anyway?).
31.05.04 23:01
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Starworms was never in SFX or WwA that i know of.
31.05.04 23:05
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No, we're talking about the first EVER clan.
31.05.04 23:24
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Quoted :: Glenn

(what does SFX stand for anyway?).

SFX stands for special effects


An image!

31.05.04 23:41
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yup, it does.
01.06.04 08:36
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I'm not sure that SFX stands for anything in particular when referring to the clan.
Anyway, I don't think SFX could be the first - the first news post on their site is in 2000, wich doesn't mean that was when it was set up, but it can't have been long before that.

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01.06.04 09:03
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