
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » Bollocks and buggers

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well, the first pixelmission is actually 111kb compressed. (damn my need for lots of colours) and the other 2 are tiny, well, bcoz they're so big and i cant upload them to btp, im just posting a link to them here. download missions 1-3 click on the link.

Ive tested all of them fully except from the 3rd one. (my BnG skills aren't very good.)
24.04.03 22:08
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it's okay I can add them for you when I get to it.

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24.04.03 23:41
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okey I tried them - well there not particularly difficult, managed them all first time. Tis your first time making missions tho I guess :)

You know I'm a dancing machine
25.04.03 00:15
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they get harder lol. ive just made the last 3
but i made one far too hard which was completely impossible and you couldn't last 10 secs and you had 2 last 5 mins. neway i designed for n00bs, learn how pixels are evil, and how to play worms :P

ps: heres the zip file with all 6 of the missions in (
25.04.03 01:30
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