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Poll: Are you male or female?
Male 28 users
Female 1 users
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Hmm, maybe. Although my mom interrupts so many online games, it'd be hard for her never to notice. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a guy (ThnikkaMAN). My real name's Michael, but most people call me "Oh no! Not you again!" :D


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22.05.04 00:14
Post #61
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26 males.... out of...27 so far....
22.05.04 00:44
Post #62
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Actually it's 27 males out of 28, AbdBoy was forced to abstain because he created the poll. And if you didn't realize it, I already voted in the poll (rather obvious what I chose, isn't it :P?).
22.05.04 02:29
Post #63
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well since this poll only has "1 option," how ever many voted there is, thats how many active posters there are..
22.05.04 05:25
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I still think Poll Makers should vote.

22.05.04 05:45
Post #65
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ZoGgers probably working on it right now..
22.05.04 05:50
Post #66
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Well, CBWhiz created the poll script, so it's more likely that ZoGgEr! is trying to get him to change it (which is like talking to a brick wall :lol: ).
22.05.04 15:21
Post #67
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Yeah, it's hard to get CB to do sumthing. Zogger would probably do it before asking cb. Tho again, it's not as important as finishing rusk :P
22.05.04 15:29
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Is CBWhiz and ZoGgEr like the most busy admins here?

22.05.04 16:53
Post #69
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there, should be changed. I just added 2 slashes to the beginning of a line.

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.05.04 17:48
Post #70
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Yeah it works great now, thanks.
22.05.04 18:36
Post #71
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