
BTForum » General Clan Forums » Worms Armageddon 'N Square-Enix Forums » Favorite FF Character Tourney (Possible Spoilers) [Match 3]

Poll: Tidus VS Zell
Zell (Final Fantasy VIII) 4 users
Tidus (Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2) 5 users
Abstain 2 votes
(10 votes have been cast so far)Poll Closed

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I don't really care if they've never played a video game in their life, as long as they can break this tie so we can move on to round 4 8O.
15.05.04 00:49
Post #16
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What he said.

15.05.04 04:00
Post #17
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lol. furious about a poll. cmon people lez vote!
15.05.04 04:07
Post #18
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still not voted.....grrrrrrrrrr, people dont visit these forums very much do they?
15.05.04 11:50
Post #19
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nope, But it's still active enough to stay alive.

Only 7 people come here often.

15.05.04 12:11
Post #20
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Where is this "Glennismyhero" guy?

Edit: oooooor, I can remove my vote and Tidus wins :(

So shall we wait for another vote or should I take awway my vote. Oooor we can also let Zell win because he was winning in the first place.

15.05.04 15:23
Post #21
Last edited: 15.05.04 15:25 (TheAbdBoy - 1 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Where is this "Glennismyhero" guy?

Edit: oooooor, I can remove my vote and Tidus wins :(

So shall we wait for another vote or should I take awway my vote. Oooor we can also let Zell win because he was winning in the first place.

His computer was hit by a particularly nasty virus. He finally got it removed, but it destroyed some of his Windows registry keys. So, the computer automatically shuts itself down within 5 minutes of him turning it on. He's going to reinstall Windows sometime soon, but I don't really know when that will be (most of his freetime is taken up by work). When he voted in poll 1, he was at a friend's house. That's all I know at this point :/.
16.05.04 01:03
Post #22
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not really abd... they were both tieing throughout the whole thing
16.05.04 01:11
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Zell went up first. So there :P

16.05.04 20:01
Post #24
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doesnt matter... still depends on the votes! We shall wait, and not cheat (editting poll)
17.05.04 00:18
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Okay, I have just got to know. Who the F*CK put an abstain up there!?!
17.05.04 01:14
Post #26
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FUCK! Who the fuck did that?! Okay, we'll do this the hard way. First person to post one of the characters name will count as ONE vote, therefore that character will win. GO!

17.05.04 04:02
Post #27
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I want Zell to win because he is a lot cooler than Tidus.

17.05.04 15:15
Post #28
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Tidus all the way!
17.05.04 18:31
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Well, he finally got his computer fixed and broke the tie. Tidus wins. You may now commence rejoicing.
17.05.04 18:53
Post #30
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