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i wanna know what everyone has against money, ther are just so many "remove money now!" threads.
money is gr8(im not saying this cos i am rich::P)how would we play poker without nethign 2 bet?? what about lotto?? and PV, we buy plots from there(100 a piece:))

05.05.04 20:51
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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And soon we can use it for the game "rusk" that i heard about.

05.05.04 21:01
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yeah, i dont see why everyone hates money. The only reason i can see that it should be banned is because it doesnt have many uses. But its not as if anyone hates you because you have 5 pound or everyone loves you because you have 7000.
05.05.04 21:08
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I think they just hate it because they "attract spammers" but ive never seen it do that.

05.05.04 21:18
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People say they dont hate it because everyone else is saying it. Like popular members dont like it so new members are following.
05.05.04 21:20
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Eh, damn "peer pressure"

05.05.04 21:24
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u havnt seen it spam people becasue u joined after the new user rateings were inplace, which completely removes spam

05.05.04 21:28
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Thats a good thing,

Anyway, back to topic.
I really dont care about money NOW, since there arnt many uses for it.

05.05.04 21:44
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Quoted :: HarrY

i wanna know what everyone has against money, ther are just so many "remove money now!" threads.
money is gr8(im not saying this cos i am rich::P)how would we play poker without nethign 2 bet?? what about lotto?? and PV, we buy plots from there(100 a piece:))

You don't use money in poker anymore. They disappered money in poker ever since the money got out of hand and i suggested u make poker, non-money based.
05.05.04 21:47
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Yes.. User ratings are very good.. it helps quite alot :D...
05.05.04 21:48
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cant all these threads be merged into one freaking ball... lol
05.05.04 22:41
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We need an option in this forum to merge threads.
05.05.04 22:43
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When i was an admid on an old forum long time ago, i could only Move threads(ex: moving a worms thread from money to wwp thread), split threads(ex: making 2 threads out of one thread, from offtopic ness or going into another topic) delete threads and lock em...
05.05.04 22:55
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Thats the basic Admin abibity pack.

06.05.04 03:29
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Yeh. Vbulletin does merging. I was gonna do it ages ago, but there was some reason why I didn't do it, can't remember what it was. Can't think of any reason now, it seems like an easy thing to do. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
06.05.04 09:49
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