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Me? I have it for the gamecube.

28.04.04 20:51
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I have it on the PC, at slightly less than PC requirements, but it still runs well :D.
28.04.04 23:25
Post #2
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i dont have it. i heard it reaks, bad.
28.04.04 23:29
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IT isnt Bad, i like it.

A bit glitchy, yes, but you get over it.

29.04.04 04:26
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29.04.04 14:53
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Pc, cause of the online :lol: .
29.04.04 15:56
Post #6
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Pc, same reason
29.04.04 16:21
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Eh, wouldnt matter to me much (th online part) since i have to deal with dial up and that mod will take forever to load onto my comp.
Anid I cant play the XBOX one online since i dont have xbox >_>

29.04.04 20:40
Post #8
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I'm running on dial-up, and net games work just fine for me...
30.04.04 00:54
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I know that. I can play online games fine too, but How big is that mod? THATs the problem.

30.04.04 02:21
Post #10
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What mod? The latest patch? If you have a US copy of the game, you don't need to d/l the 54 meg patch, because it's already applied.
30.04.04 02:27
Post #11
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The game itself is just over 1 gig i think. If thats what you meant. Though i think you meant the patch.

Same here. Dial up no problems.
30.04.04 10:44
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Got it for PC, but it don't run.

30.04.04 14:05
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Too slow?
30.04.04 18:14
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Quoted :: Glenn

What mod? The latest patch? If you have a US copy of the game, you don't need to d/l the 54 meg patch, because it's already applied.

Ah man, if i knew that i wouldve got the PC version.

30.04.04 22:12
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