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well usually when you hover your mouse over a user, it shows general info, what happened to that? Doesnt work for me anymore. Dont know about every1 else.
27.04.04 20:45
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Yes, that's the bug.. I think .
27.04.04 20:50
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You mean overlib. Yes i noticed it was gone as well. It's really anoying without it :(
27.04.04 21:28
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I said in the other thread, it's because there are line breaks in the middle of the JavaScript strings. It might look neater, it might make sense, but it doesn't work.
27.04.04 21:46
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Yeah i found that thread. Zog, you should make a "merge thread" function. So then if 2 topics are on the same subject, you can merge them into one thread. I have it at my Invision Power Board. It's a good function.
27.04.04 21:56
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hmm, weird, I actually changed it to test something, it didn't work, so I changed it back to see what happened, and it worked.... strange...

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28.04.04 13:05
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i never noticed nething

28.04.04 16:33
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Nether have I, or is it fixed now and I just missed it?
28.04.04 16:36
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Quoted :: zogger

it worked....

You know I'm a dancing machine
28.04.04 16:37
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Yes, it's fixed now, and my browser doesn't show any errors :D .
28.04.04 17:51
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

does any1 else have probs that dont see any picture on btp?
28.04.04 18:07
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my hover thingy doesnt work:'( im sure that the code is right

28.04.04 19:35
Post #12
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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hover thingy??
28.04.04 20:39
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woohoo they fixed. thx
28.04.04 20:40
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Quoted :: The candy Man

hover thingy??

You know, you hover over the person's name, it gives you a box. It has member status, title, # of posts/threads, money, tax, and country location.
29.04.04 01:22
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