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Also in threads new users are green. Look at
Nameless_Soldier in posts. He's green. But he's still white on the online list.
01.05.04 21:26
Post #16
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Ya, i noticed that.
Go ahead, use this as an example.

01.05.04 21:44
Post #17
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Quoted :: C1

Also in threads new users are green. Look at
Nameless_Soldier in posts. He's green. But he's still white on the online list.

To this:

Quoted :: ZoGgEr!
To cut down on mysql queries, we have an array of all the users that have already been ulinked in the page. If they have then it gets the info from there instead of making another db query. The only problem is trhe signup date isn't getting stored in the array. Should be a quick fix.

(fixed - added a 1 to the mysql query. heh.)

But apparantly didn't fix it for the posting...
01.05.04 23:22
Post #18
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yeh, that's a seperate thing of readme's ( I think ) doing, also to cut down on queries which will probably have to be changed for each page.

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.05.04 09:42
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