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hey man fuck you bitch, i just said go to t17, oh btw, dont call me a 'nob'.

Nowonder why your rating is so freaking low.
09.05.04 15:25
Post #16
Last edited: 09.05.04 17:05 (MrrLL - 1 times) [Hide Sig (5)] [Profile] [Quote]
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maybe that is why my rating is so low, but what the hell no one seems to know about this hosting prob, not even t17
10.05.04 17:21
Post #17
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There were 3 fake votes for you, but it's still down at 6.

You haven't really explained in much detail, and I haven't seen anyone list the ports here. Plenty of people can't host cause of ports closed, or internet connection sharing, etc...

You know I'm a dancing machine
10.05.04 17:25
Post #18
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the ports aere 17010, 17011 and 17012 for all worms games, TCP and UDP, although opening those doesnt solve the problem. On w:a you can enter your ip into the config box and select "force Ip", but on wwp there is no force ip button, so hosting still doesnt work :|
12.05.04 10:44
Post #19
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well i knew someone that couldnt host and i could, and then they could and i couldnt, i cant describe it you will just be waiting ages in the host and no1 can get in for some unknown reason
12.05.04 16:46
Post #20
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Ok... so all I gotta do is force-fuck wwp into knowing your IP address? I can't believe no one has done this already. I'll give a whack at it some time.

Just to be sure, is this the problem or is there something else?
12.05.04 23:25
Post #21
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as far as i know thats it
16.05.04 02:12
Post #22
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for anyone having the same problem as me all i have done is remove every file to do with WWP and then reinstall the game again and so far its all good
06.06.04 01:25
Post #23
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Hi all

I have a problem would be cool if anyone of you guys could help me. I play WWP much and i am able to host, so far everything is good. I wanted to play with the great tool wwpipe, well the flags and the flamebars worked good, but NOW i am UNABLE to host.
So my question is: Is it possible to host when i use wwpipe?
It would be great if anyone could help me!

Well thy for your answers.


07.06.04 20:03
Post #24
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iu dont have to listen to me, i suggest you reinstall wwp, the same thing happen to me, when you dl wwpipe, follow EVERY direction there because they are important.
08.06.04 18:20
Post #25
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Can you not host whatsoever now, or only when you use the pipe? i.e., can you host when you don't use the pipe?
08.06.04 22:33
Post #26
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most people can only host when they are using wwpipe, but i just reinstalled and started from scratch again may be a pain but it worked, hope this helps :mrgreen:
09.06.04 18:01
Post #27
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Hi all

I fixed the problem, something with the IP was wrong..

but thx for your help at all.

10.06.04 14:02
Post #28
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Does anyone know what my problem is? I can host but no-one can get into my games. Is there any way to fix that?
28.07.05 17:27
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28.07.05 21:43
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