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This is probably a post for Zog or someone else like, readme.
On the proper excuses page a user called scorch has posted stupid proper excuses and a really long one just made up of xxxxxx's it ruins the page because it makes it go really long.
If you delete them you may aswell delete this post afterwards, also do you think there should be some sort of limit to how long your proper excuse can be?


An image!

11.04.04 22:52
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Proper excuses - lol, ages since I've been there.

anyway, it was actually M-A-S-T-A, and he was actually posting zs, but same difference. I deleted half of scorch's too, because they were pretty spammy.

Excuses has become a lair of spam these days. I don't think it needs a limit on the length, just people actually visiting that page t odelete stuff.

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12.04.04 09:05
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Can't you make it print a < br > after a certain amount of letters, so that can't happen. We would get rid of page stretchers.
12.04.04 13:25
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Hmm... actually, what I'd like to see is the ability to do a hard return in the excuse. Makes it easier to split parts of the excuse (such as in a dialogue). But, it'll probably never happen...
12.04.04 17:38
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What do you mean by a "hard return", Glenn? Surely you don't mean an line feed/carriage return in the middle of the excuse?
12.04.04 17:41
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i'd imagine he means a manual break. as in <BR>
12.04.04 19:10
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Oh, he wants the submitter to be able to break the line... I thought he was just suggesting the same thing Dingbats just said at first.
12.04.04 19:57
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I only put excuses on their that are acually good, as if i was someone judging mine, for ex, my "impression of a noob" 1 got some laughs outta me..
12.04.04 19:58
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Okay, quick typewriter lesson. Now then, you all know that little thing on the far right side of a typewriter that puts the paper back to the first character. That is called a carriage return. In the old days, this DID NOT move down to the next line, it just returned to the origin. So, you had to hit the Enter key to do a line feed (which of course moved it down to the next line). This operation was eventually combined (as an option), to form the hard return (or break if you will), which is just like the enter key we have on computers today.
12.04.04 21:00
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Would that be a possible explanation for it's shape?

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13.04.04 08:26
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[G]the candy man
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are they the same shape anyway??
13.04.04 09:15
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Um... if you're talking about the enter key's shape, it basically looks like this:

_ _| | |___| <-- basic enter key _____ |_____| <-- my enter key ___ |_ | |_| <-- my typewriter's enter key
Rather strange, isn't it?
Edit: Ah, can't quite get the keys righe, but you get the jist of it, right?
13.04.04 14:42
Post #12
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My enter is like your typewriters.
Not so standerand.

13.04.04 16:56
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[G]the candy man
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mine is like your typewrites but flipped upside down
13.04.04 18:52
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Yeah, that's the basic enter key silly :P.
13.04.04 19:18
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