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Hi and nice that you have a forum at BTP!
Also nice that you're reborning the clan, hope you'll become pro and famous! ;)

Jus wanna ask what with yer forum at ATW? Will you have multiple forums(BTP+ATW) with one main one or will you stick on one forum(BTW or ATW)? I'm not against multiple forums(if you ever wanted to know lol). Drop me a line plz.

10.04.04 03:50
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Hay DB its nothing personal, i just thought that posting on BTP more ppl would see us here, and thanks for you support we have every plan to make it as a pro clan.
10.04.04 11:21
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We are MoR and we was before you, how dare u take our name! change it immediatly


An image!

10.04.04 14:00
Post #3
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As i said from the begining, if you have nothing constructive to say then dont bother! we are a WWp clan and thats the way its going to stay so SOD OFF!
10.04.04 14:44
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Quoted :: Dvious

Hay DB its nothing personal, i just thought that posting on BTP more ppl would see us here, and thanks for you support we have every plan to make it as a pro clan.

Yeah, but should i let your forum on ATW live or you just don't need it?

10.04.04 23:21
Post #5
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no keep it there because all the other members know its there, im using btp for tryouts and stuff to generate interest for the clan
10.04.04 23:43
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sure thing man!

by the way i've included a link to MoR site in your caterogy, near the forum, so ATW visitors can look at MoR site aswell as post in da forum!

11.04.04 01:08
Post #7
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dvious is a betrayer :\

14.04.04 19:39
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well, i wouldnt say "betrayer" but he never really was in our clan 100%.

15.04.04 18:03
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hay its not that man just think there is a 9 hour time gap between me and the united states, so dont take it personally
15.04.04 18:42
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It's MoR (Ohhh, it had to be done) like 5-7 hours time differance.

16.04.04 07:37
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Dvious, i wasn't blaming you!

16.04.04 19:30
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Thats ok then, maybe our 2 clans could come together like an affilation or something?
17.04.04 23:12
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Who's the leader for MoR?

19.04.04 19:18
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myself and MoRxTHOMAS, whys that duke????
19.04.04 19:43
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