
BTForum BlameTheOffTopic Forums BlameTheGeneralOffTopic 1337 Contest!

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The point of this competition is to write something really 1337ish. I will give you the ending date later. The prize is £500 and a PM by me congratulating the winner. This is what it should look like: LOLOLOLOL teh 1337 pwn0riz3z j00rz m|_|m moer th3n an f!sh pwn0r1zez an f4g90t!!!11!!1!1 1! !!!1! 1! 1! 1! 1! !! !! but h3y wait j000 iz an f4660t!1!! 1! !!!!! 1! i will k1ll yuo m0htarfuXX0riz3r!!!! 1! !!! !!!! 1!! i is 1337 ph34r /\/\3!"!!!!!1!111!! 1 1!! 11!!~ ph34r min3 5killz!!11!!!!!! thye pwno|2iz3z j00!!!11!!1 an|) i pwn0riz3z ju0 2!!!1!! 1!! !! j00r 2 g4y 2 b h33r go away f4960t!!! 1!!! !!! ! i will k!ll j00r m0m!! 1!!!!! 1!!! j00 suXX0r i r0XXor j00rz boXXor!!!!! 1! !!! ! PS. Check 'No Post Processing' and you'll have a greater chance to win.
12.03.04 17:12
Post #1
Last edited: 12.03.04 17:14 (Dingbats - 6 times) [Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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¥0Ü ÇÅÑÑ0+ P\/\/Ñ |\/|= ¿()() PÅ+|-|=+|Ç |-|Ü|\/|ÄÑ! Å|-||\/| ƒÅ|2 +()() £==+ ƒÅ +=|-| £||<=5 () ¿()(). ¿Ü5+ G|^= ÜP ÅÑ Å|-|££ ƒ0|2G|^= ¿()().
13.03.04 03:17
Post #2
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1 |2 1337....
13.03.04 04:10
Post #3
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Glenn's entry is a nice one, lol. Very hard to read.:)
13.03.04 10:46
Post #4
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

i am not good at 1337-ening things.........
wait, there is 1337tiser at btp!

`/35, |/\|31(0|\/|3 70 4 |\|3|/\| !|\|(4|2|\|47!0|\| f|20|\/| |\/|3, 20993|2. !'|\/| |\|07 5|_||23 |/\||-|0 |23311`/ |/\|4|\|75 4 |\|47!0|\| !|\| 7|-|3!|2 (4|2, |3|_|7 |-|3`/, |)0|\|'7 |314|\/|3 |\/|3, |314|\/|3 73|-|0|\|3 |/\||-|0 !|\|\/3|\|73|) 73|-||/\|0|2|). 0|-| `/35, 4|\||) |314|\/|3 73|-||>!x31™
13.03.04 16:10
Post #5
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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4|30|_|7 73|-||/\||2|_| (14|\| :: !7 411 574|273|) |34x0|2 !|\| f3|3|2|_|4|2`/ 2003 |/\||-|3|\| |>!|\||<|/\|0|2|\/| 537 |_||> 73|-||/\|0|2|\/|!|\|9 |24|3|313 (14|\|. |\/|4|\|`/ |\/|3|\/||33|25 0|\| 73|-|0ff!(!41 733|\/|17 f0|2|_||\/| j0!|\|3|) |_||>. 1473|2 0|\| !|\| 4|>|2!1 2003, 574|2 |/\|0|2|\/|5 537 |_||> 73|-|x7|23|\/|3 (|-|335`/ |/\|0|2|\/|3|25 (14|\| 4|\||) 494!|\|, |\/|4|\|`/ |\/|3|\/||33|25 5!9|\|3|) |_||>. 7|-|3|\| !|\| |\/|4`/ 2003 |>!|\||<|/\|0|2|\/| |>3573|23|) (=|>) 574|2 |/\|0|2|\/|5 !|\|70 |\/|3|29!|\|9 (14|\|5. 4|\||) 7|-||_|5 |/\|3 (4|\/|3 |_||> |/\|!7|-| 4 |\|3|/\| |\|4|\/|3 f0|2 73|-|(14|\|: |/\|0|2|\/|5 '|2' |_|5.

13.03.04 19:10
Post #6
[RealVG] [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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But no one is using Å|)^Å|\|Ç=|) £==+... (which I don't even know all the letters...)
13.03.04 19:26
Post #7
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! 0\^/|\| J00
13.03.04 20:27
Post #8
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[]D[]_[][]V[][]D[]<[][]\[] []D[]3 ! 12 73|-| 1ü13133l2 0\/ 50\/713124!ñ 50 73|-| £SOO !5 []V[][][]\[]3 |-|0[]/\[] 13333337


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
14.03.04 00:30
Post #9
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Using the 1337iser won't make you win. Oh, sorry:
|_|z!gn t3h 1337izar w0nt m4ek j00 w1nn!1!111!1!
14.03.04 11:34
Post #10
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

this word looks same to me..........
i am not 1337er.........
14.03.04 12:20
Post #11
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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What word?
14.03.04 15:12
Post #12
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Most all of them. I for one don't want to take the time to figure out what these say. I can't read [S]Bloopy's at all.
14.03.04 18:35
Post #13
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ok, i might as well join in, its not much tho...

|-|£®£ 1$ |v|¥ £|\|+£®¥ 4 +£|-| 0|/\||\|@6£ |_££+ ©0|v|þ |\|0|/\|, 61\/£ |v|£ +£|-| |v|0|\|£¥ ®0><0®!111!111!11!1!1111 0®, 1 |/\|1|_|_ |-|@\/£ +0 |v|@|<£ @|_|_ 0|= ¥0u £@+ þ£@ $0uþ |=0® +|-|£ ®£$+ 0|= u® $u><0® |_1|=£. |\|0|/\| |-|£®£ 1$ $0|v|£ |v|0®£ 6188£®1$|-| 0|/\||\|0|/\||\|0|/\||\|þ££ $0uþ, |_£+ |v|£ |/\|1|\|, 1 |v|uuuuu$+ |/\|1|\|, +£££|-|£|-|£|-|£|-|££. Ð0 _|00 |_1|<£ |v|¥ |_££+, 1 +|-|1|\||< 1+$ þ|/\||\|$ @|_|_ |v||-|u@@|-|@|-|, 1 |/\|1|_|_ 6£+ +£|-| ©@$|-| |=0® $u®£, @|-||-||-| @|-|@|-||-|@ +|-|£ |v|0|\|£¥ 1$ |v|1|\|£, Ð1|\|68@+$, 1 @|/\|@1+ u® Ð0|\|£@+10|\| @|\|Ð u® |<1©|<@$$ þ|/\||\|þ|/\||\|þ|/\||\|þ|/\||\| þ|v|!11!111!11!¥£@|-| 6060606060 ®0><0®!1!1 1 0|\||_¥ |-|@\/£ 0|\|£ |_@$+ +|-|1|\|6 +0 $@¥, 1+ 1$ +|-|1$, 61\/£ |v|£ +£|-| |v|0|\|£¥ ®0><0®!11!111!! @|_$0, 1|= u 61\/£ |v|£ |_0@Ð$ 0|= Ð0$|-|, 1 |/\|1|_|_ $|/\|£@® |\|£\/£® 2 |-|@®|v| u 0® u® |=@|v|1|_¥!11!11111!1111!1111!11111!11


14.03.04 18:51
Post #14
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

you guys are realy freaks
15.03.04 09:02
Post #15
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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