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one of my members, the user of split cannot upload the maps as they do not appear on the maps list to upload... and he put them in the right folders

12.03.04 00:49
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eh? To upload a map it doesn't have to be in a certain folder, you have to find it on your hard disk...

You know I'm a dancing machine
13.03.04 14:43
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[G]the candy man
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what program did he make em on?
14.03.04 20:29
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If I'm thinking right here, he's talking about loading a map in Worms itself. He needs to make sure it's in .bit format (or also .png in W:A), and that they are in the SavedLevels folder, NOT the Saved Levels folder.
If it's an import map (.bmp, .jpg, or .gif), it needs to be in the Import folder.
Any other file types are incompatible with Worms. But I'm probably wrong about this whole diagnosis thing...
14.03.04 23:14
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