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I made my own scheme and set things like morters, mole bombs ect to around 10+ power so they arnt completely usless but now when they go off they just disapear, ie u drop a cluster it counts down then poof, nothing comes out... its not everything set over 10 power, at first i set skunks to about 30, they went off like a suped up holy so i set them down and now they disapear :(
im using scheme works 1.5.2 on worms world party, anyone know what im doing wrong?
10.03.04 16:39
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Use the in-game editor like everyone else.
10.03.04 17:45
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u cant make shopper schemes in game, at least not on wwp?
10.03.04 18:02
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yes you can, you just need scheme works to set indestructible landscape
10.03.04 20:09
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Yes and when u use scheme works don't set weapons over 5 power or else it crashes or messes up the game.
11.03.04 23:31
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I don't understand why the numbers go so high if the game can take so much...

13.03.04 04:00
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In some cases it works. For me at least.
13.03.04 14:04
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Why does it do that? Because it can. It could work, if the source code for Worms was edited a bit. But until that happens (if it happens), there's no way you can have a weapon above 5 power, and guarentee it will work.
13.03.04 19:15
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Prod can go to 10 or sumthing but if u want to be safe i'd keep it at max 5.
14.03.04 01:57
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