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Okay, it's been two days since this has been asked, so I'll ask again. Why aren't there any mods of this forum. It would be really nice to recieve an answer on this. And besides, there needs to be at least one mod here, because admins can't possibly be on BTP all the time. Maybe I could be a mod (jk)..?
01.03.04 14:38
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mods can't possibly be on btp all the time either ;), Sometimes I'm the only one on. Other people probably find that too - although replace "I'm" with you. Youi can't find that I'm the only person on, unless you're a guest, I guess.

We could add the mods back, and we probably will.


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01.03.04 16:25
Post #32
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)


Sooner or later we'll end up in twenty-five mods in each forum and three hundred n00bs complaining about that they're not mods.



Maybe I could be a mod (jk)..?

I dont say that you are bad person, but is there a month science your first post?
I dont say that I,or psymon, Spaz...deserve that, but somebody with more experence(0)deserve
01.03.04 17:20
Post #33
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to be honest, archamond, I think glenn would be more suited to being a mod than you. Your english isn't amazing (particularly that wath thing :P) and your posts can be a bit... empty.

Whereas glenn does have experience, just not all here - or at least more sense than alot of people. heh.

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01.03.04 17:37
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Glenn's english is better becosue he live in..............UnitedStates(i hate that country so much!)!

and, he had that atitude that sometimes goes on my nervs science first day
01.03.04 17:40
Post #35
Last edited: 01.03.04 17:46 (Archamond - 1 times) [ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I have a feeling that Glenn will be a new C1 or The Pope, he posts a lot and doesn't spam. I wouldn't be angry if you modded him.
01.03.04 18:20
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Maybe I could be a mod (jk)..?

I dont say that you are bad person, but is there a month science your first post?
I dont say that I,or psymon, Spaz...deserve that, but somebody with more experence(0)deserve

I did the math Archamond, I've been here for 67.052023 days, which is a bit over two months. I've been part of the T17 forum for almost 7 months.

Glenn's english is better becosue he live in..............UnitedStates(i hate that country so much!)!

Well, there's a prime example of why your english is bad. You left out the space between United and States, you didn't captalize I, and you have double stacked ! points (you don't punctuate within parenthesis, unless that is the whole sentance). Also, it is because. Finally, I am good at English, because I'm on the advanced track in school.

and, he had that atitude that sometimes goes on my nervs science first day

What attitude? Please enlighten me (of course, I think I answered my own question here :P).
01.03.04 18:32
Post #37
Last edited: 01.03.04 18:35 (Glenn - 2 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I've been part of the T17 forum for almost 7 months.

beat you by two years :P Although I only have 0.22 posts per day on the T17 forum. heh.

and nah, I don't see any attitude either...

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01.03.04 18:44
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Quoted :: Glenn

You don't punctuate within parenthesis, unless that is the whole sentance.

Heh. It's sentence.:mrgreen:
01.03.04 19:16
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hmm... []Glenn$1looks it up...

Wow, you're right. It IS sentence. Ah well, nobody's perfect (hard as we try).
01.03.04 19:22
Post #40
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lol you guys are funny.....Glenn would make a good mod! (so would i ;) )
01.03.04 20:09
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ya. PLz reinstate me, i think zog can vouch for my presence.
01.03.04 20:27
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Quoted :: igotworms

lol you guys are funny.....Glenn would make a good mod! (so would i ;) )

Glenn would i think. Not you tho. Perhaps if u get 1000 posts without spam i would reconsider however. Also as for ur "experience" in art. I say i have just as much experience in that as u.
01.03.04 20:51
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I possibley have the same amount as IGW too, Just I havn't....Erm.....Erm.......Nope I'm crap at this art stuff, But If I learnt some techs. then I might be better.(LOL, techs. I made it sound like a game)

I really need to put something into this site, as everyone else has.
Walkthroughs: How many game's have I actuly compleated? (A few actully, But how many do you reamber? good point.)

Antother suggestions, post in.

01.03.04 21:00
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Quoted :: psymon

I possibley have the same amount as IGW too, Just I havn't....Erm.....Erm.......Nope I'm crap at this art stuff, But If I learnt some techs. then I might be better.(LOL, techs. I made it sound like a game)

I really need to put something into this site, as everyone else has.
Walkthroughs: How many game's have I actuly compleated? (A few actully, But how many do you reamber? good point.)

Antother suggestions, post in.

I'd say igw is better than U any day psymon. That's why i say neither of u should be in. Plus we have enough mods
01.03.04 21:03
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