
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Other Wormy Games » Worms Old School????

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I was recently reading through the wormopedia, and it said somrthing about how worms got discovered in some kind of convention, I was wondering if anybody has found that game for download or any other worms game before the release of Worms 1.
26.02.04 05:11
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ya mean Gorillas eh?

or Total Wormage?

28.02.04 02:13
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No I think he means the original amiga version of worms that andy davidson created. I don't know if it was ever available to the general public though.

You know I'm a dancing machine
28.02.04 09:22
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hehe, thx anyway
01.03.04 02:14
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Yes total wormage was andy davidsons creation, that was what team17 found at the convention.
01.03.04 11:27
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All hail Andy Davidson!
11.03.04 08:14
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[G]the candy man
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lol Gorillas was well god at the time :P
20.03.04 11:33
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amiga version of worms and after the amiga version of worms...what comes after that?
16.04.04 07:51
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