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Wants to make Pixel Art.
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I need to change a BMP to BIT file cause i have a really bitchin' map.

Any programs or stuff like that?

An image!
22.02.04 00:36
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Yes, it's called BitMonkey. Someone should have it uploaded shortly.
22.02.04 00:39
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ya i uploaded all of annelids proggies today actually.
22.02.04 00:39
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actually, the program is called Worms :P

you don't need this new fangled stuff to change a BMP to a BIT file, just import it into worms, and click to go into edit mode.

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22.02.04 10:16
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Ya in fact now that i think about it, that's better to use because the bit monkey makes ur map pixelier.
22.02.04 18:12
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it does?, i find the bit monkey quite useful
22.02.04 19:31
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I like it for making previews but in the other direction it creates small pixels.
22.02.04 19:32
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useing bitmonky 4 previews??
very pixely. I use powerpoint 2 resize it. dont ask me why i use powerpoint, but it works

22.02.04 20:13
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Ya i know it is really crappy previews but im usually lazy and don't want to try and resize and edit 90 maps.
22.02.04 20:15
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You should try Photoshop. It's just grand... at everything. Does everything you want to single images and if you take the time to figure out how to multiple images in a click or two (making previews of maps would be easy as pie).
22.02.04 22:46
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Explain to me how to resize 90 pictures convert them to png and make them into nice previews in under 5 clicks :)
23.02.04 03:55
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use keyboard shotcuts!
i'm the master :D
23.02.04 05:57
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oh, now that was clever. /me admire CBWhiz.

And if you use the bit monkey all your maps are displayed as monkey icons. That is sooo a plus :D
23.02.04 11:32
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I've tried to get the actions thing set up to save previews as PNGs, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it.

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23.02.04 16:06
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hahah, i can do it with ease in PSP, just needs a little recorded script and the bath processing function. Didn't anyone notice that PSP is a version ahead of PS?

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23.02.04 23:19
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