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YES VERY SLOW! Lol. Ur kamazazi worm in ur sig looks like he's humping....
17.02.04 23:52
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I would actually like to make a movie for you C1 if I had the skills and programs. :(.
19.02.04 00:32
Post #17
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worms are both sexes at the same time. Or is that just silly.
19.02.04 10:40
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Very silly. That means they're all gay..
19.02.04 22:48
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It means they're all hermaphrodites, C1. Get it right!

Learn to look, look to learn.
20.02.04 17:34
Post #20
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Go away u damn hermaprodite! Lol jk
21.02.04 03:27
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

are real worms hermaphrodites?
21.02.04 09:24
Post #22
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i'm fairly certain they have no sex at all. Both the adjective, and the verb. They reproduce in the same was as bacteria if emory serves. They just split apart and grow seperately.

I may be wrong tho - didn't look anything up.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
22.02.04 23:19
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"Some worms reproduce asexually, others sexually, and still others can do both. Earthworms reproduce sexually."

22.02.04 23:47
Post #24
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

what about Worms worms?
they reproduce pixely!

24.02.04 14:00
Post #25
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